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    1. #1
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      Will The Ron Paul Revolution destroy America



      This is an email i sent to the maker of this video:

      I just wanted to say, you said the very things about Ron Paul that i was thinking about exactly. A few months ago I watched Arron Russo's freedom to fascism. Inspired i posted a youtube, video dedicated to getting the important information out there. In my video I explained all about the laws that intrude on peoples freedoms, And I throroughly explained my beliefs on individual free thinking. Following Ron paul is not individual free thinking, that's following like a herd of sheep. Now i was hoping my video would get tons and tons of video responses. All i got was a handfull of Ron Paul text comments saying that i was late posting my video, and to follow ron paul 'cause he would "lead us to freedom". these people obviously completely ignored what i said in the video.

      In my video i gave examples of freedom fighters, jesus, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, John lennon etc. All throughout history, These guru figures get assasinated and become the poster boys for the very thing they were fighting against. It is my hope that the so called "american Revolution" won't be one of following someone to carry out the man behind the curtain and his agenda. My hope is that it will be a revolution of thought. "critical thinking".

      And say if Ron Paul wins? his message sounds a lot like george bush's message when he ran. How do we know he won't be pulling the same stuff? Some people have said "he has a clean voting record". That is just a meme spread by the ron paul revolution. I have never seen any documents of his voting record. So yeah. good stuff, Let's try to spread this critical thinking, everyone is their own freedom guru meme. good luck

      My videos BTW are on youtube: search for Ranma187

      Edit: here is an mp3 by the prothink dude. it's him and one guy against 2 Ron paul supporters. Here are both sides of the argument. think for yourself. http://prothink.podomatic.com/enclos...5_16-08_00.mp3
      Last edited by Man of Shred; 02-21-2008 at 12:14 AM.
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    2. #2
      Dreaming up music skysaw's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ranma187 View Post
      Some people have said "he has a clean voting record". That is just a meme spread by the ron paul revolution. I have never seen any documents of his voting record. So yeah.
      It's pretty easy to get documents of a senator's voting record. Discarding the idea without even trying is just lazy.
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    3. #3
      used to be Guerilla
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      yea, ive read his records, look for them online, you can even email dr.paul yourself

      trust me, he IS honest, and sincere, he is the real deal, he is the ONLY member of congress to vote NO on every un-constitutional bill ever written, even silly ones, he is a man of strict principle and has not wavered for lobbyists for the past 35 years nor will he EVER waver, we aren't following the herd, for you to support any other candidate would be following the herd.
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    4. #4
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      First off, skysaw is right. Ron Paul was in congress, his record is public. Go look it up. Its true that his voting totally goes along with what he is saying. Its proven hes stuck by his word. Theres even videos of him talking about the same issues today, back 20+ years ago.

      Second, that guy is totally full of it. I was going to make a big reply but theres really no point. His arguements make no sense at all. Zionist control the government and media but they are using Ron Paul to start a revolution? If that was the case, wouldn't the media give him some support or put his name out, instead of flat out ignoring and lying about him?

      Basicly it comes down to what I see all the time. The extreme anti zionist people believe everyone who doesn't talk about zionist all the time is themself a zionist. The fact however, is a lot of people disagree with who the top people are, and some just dont want to get bogged down by the issue.

      Some of it is true, and some of it makes sense but at some point you just start becomming paranoid. Anyone who thinks Ron Paul is out to get you is paranoid in my opinion.

    5. #5
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      I like ron paul trust me on this one. He has very good policies. but i really suggest you guys look at the video google link i posted. at least consider what he has to say. People, have to look at all the facts and options before making informed decisions.
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      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    6. #6
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Alric View Post
      First off, skysaw is right. Ron Paul was in congress, his record is public. Go look it up. Its true that his voting totally goes along with what he is saying. Its proven hes stuck by his word. Theres even videos of him talking about the same issues today, back 20+ years ago.

      Second, that guy is totally full of it. I was going to make a big reply but theres really no point. His arguements make no sense at all. Zionist control the government and media but they are using Ron Paul to start a revolution? If that was the case, wouldn't the media give him some support or put his name out, instead of flat out ignoring and lying about him?

      Basicly it comes down to what I see all the time. The extreme anti zionist people believe everyone who doesn't talk about zionist all the time is themself a zionist. The fact however, is a lot of people disagree with who the top people are, and some just dont want to get bogged down by the issue.

      Some of it is true, and some of it makes sense but at some point you just start becomming paranoid. Anyone who thinks Ron Paul is out to get you is paranoid in my opinion.
      yes but consider this: lets say he really gains momentum and gets assasinated? People are going to rise up and create chaos and amist the chaos the new world order people will use it to their advantage. I mean look at past revolutions.

      After the french revolution, the wrong people took control of the government. That is until Napolean came a long shortly after and overthrew them, because he saw these guys for what they were. This isn't paranoia.
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      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    7. #7
      used to be Guerilla
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      Quote Originally Posted by ranma187 View Post
      I like ron paul trust me on this one. He has very good policies. but i really suggest you guys look at the video google link i posted. at least consider what he has to say. People, have to look at all the facts and options before making informed decisions.
      Ron isn't going to betray us, if you think he will then i suggest you lay off the weed, lol paranoid!

      i know bush ran on that policy, but does bush have a consistent record? no, is his father a good man? no

      he just ran on that policy to win, he didnt mean it

      we already have made informed decisions, a youtube video isn't going to disprove dr. pauls consistent voting record and consistent policies, i honestly dont care what some guy on youtube thinks, the cold hard facts is that ron paul is REAL and CARES ABOUT YOU, AND ME and everyone, except for maybe the neo-cons
      Last edited by guerilla; 02-20-2008 at 11:11 PM.
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    8. #8
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by guerilla View Post
      we already have made informed decisions, a youtube video isn't going to disprove dr. pauls consistent voting record and consistent policies, i honestly dont care what some guy on youtube thinks, the cold hard facts is that ron paul is REAL and CARES ABOUT YOU, AND ME and everyone, except for maybe the neo-cons
      trust me. I like ron paul I'm not paranoid of him. He believes in freedom and will fight for it. The thing is he fits into an agenda. by all means get him in power. BUT don't stop the revolution there.

      oh yeah and do you know what a meme is? It's a thought virus that people spread to influence thinking. I am going to take the meme in your quote and repeat it to you with a few changed words. And you will see for yourself how your thinking isn't critical thinking.

      Here goes: the cold hard facts is that JESUS is REAL and CARES ABOUT YOU, AND ME and everyone, except for maybe the Satanists.

      LOL. it's the same thing. "us against them". It's the oldest trick ni the book.
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      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    9. #9
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      What so your never going to vote for anyone ever again because they might be shot? The fact is anyone can be shot. Using that as an arguement not to support him is insane.

      Your basicly making the arguement that you shouldn't rock the boat, and to go along with the status quo because anything else will harm you.

    10. #10
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      Why are people still talking about Ron Paul? The republican race is all but over, it's McCain.

      And why are you talking about Ron Paul? You're not even American Don't the Canadians have thier own politcal problems right now?
      Last edited by ninja9578; 02-20-2008 at 11:20 PM.

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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      Why are people still talking about Ron Paul? The republican race is all but over, it's McCain.
      thats what the tv tells you

      theres still mike huckabee and ron paul

      and remember, even though mccain has 900+ delegates

      they are UNPLEDGED delegates, which means if SOMETHING happens between now and september, those delegates might choose mike, or ron....

      don't be so pre-mature, we still have a good 5-6 months before the convention, even if he doesnt win the convention, he will have the oppurtunity to speak there, and it will be televised througout all of america and probably the world.
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    12. #12
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      Quote Originally Posted by ranma187 View Post
      I like ron paul trust me on this one. He has very good policies. but i really suggest you guys look at the video google link i posted. at least consider what he has to say. People, have to look at all the facts and options before making informed decisions.
      I have to watch every hour long video every idiot with a webcam and an opinion posts online or I'm not an informed voter?

      Quote Originally Posted by guerilla View Post
      thats what the tv tells you

      theres still mike huckabee and ron paul

      and remember, even though mccain has 900+ delegates

      they are UNPLEDGED delegates, which means if SOMETHING happens between now and september, those delegates might choose mike, or ron....

      don't be so pre-mature, we still have a good 5-6 months before the convention, even if he doesnt win the convention, he will have the oppurtunity to speak there, and it will be televised througout all of america and probably the world.
      Exactly, Huckabee and Paul can take away delegates from McCain so that he doesn't have enough to win, which would force us to go to convention and the nomination can go to someone else. It's a long shot but it's not hopeless.

    13. #13
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Alric View Post
      What so your never going to vote for anyone ever again because they might be shot? The fact is anyone can be shot. Using that as an arguement not to support him is insane.

      Your basicly making the arguement that you shouldn't rock the boat, and to go along with the status quo because anything else will harm you.

      Hello did i once say that? don't put words in my mouth. can you please point out the exact place where i said. I support going along with the status quo out of fear?

      don't you guys get it? it's the US against THEM mentality that will destroy us. because that is the oldest trick in the book, that has been used since recorded history. And it plays into the elites hands.
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      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    14. #14
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      US against THEM is how the world works. How does it destroy us? Please expain without posting a video.

    15. #15
      used to be Guerilla
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      Quote Originally Posted by 27 View Post
      US against THEM is how the world works. How does it destroy us? Please expain without posting a video.
      best words spoken today.
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    16. #16
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      Hello!!!!! why don't you brush up on your research a bit before you argue.
      It is very easy to pit people against each other. It is very easy to make people go to war and start a revolution. And what you do Is manufacture a FEAR. And you manufacture a FEAR, by a False Flag operation. once you have that operation out. There are casualties. Fear is created, scapegoats are handpicked. And off we go guns in hand.

      Only after a while. People start to question the war. they ask "is this right?". And when people ask that. The Elitists manufacture a revolution. So what they do is pick an individual, or group of individuals to lead a revolution. To speak out against the goverment and it's policies. again it's 'US against THEM!!!'. Then a revolution happens. And the process starts all over again. This very thing i am talking about has been going on for thousands of years and will continue to go on until we all get destroyed. Only now our guns are a lot bigger. our guns can kill every human being on this entire planet within hours.

      So as long as we continue this story that pop culture puts forth, we will fuck ourselves over PERIOD.

      Don't believe me? watch videos and read history. find out for yourself.
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      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    17. #17
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      I think your on the right track, and its true but I don't agree with you. The "Us against them." Is the republicans vs the democrates. If you look at the issues, they are both basicly the same, with some minor differences.

      I think its a bit silly to say Ron Paul is in that however. Ron Paul is the lone guy standing up there, saying something different. He is the one disrupting the us vs them mentality. So your really doing everyone a disservice when you say dont listen to him, because you some how think hes doing damage.

    18. #18
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      Quote Originally Posted by skysaw View Post
      It's pretty easy to get documents of a senator's voting record. Discarding the idea without even trying is just lazy.
      I've actually looked up Ron Paul's voting record. It seemed to me that the reason why it was 'clean' was because he was absent for all of the votes that I felt mattered. As far back as I cared to look, he seemed like he avoided key issues in order to not offend anyone when it came time to run for president.

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    19. #19
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      Quote Originally Posted by ranma187 View Post
      Hello!!!!! why don't you brush up on your research a bit before you argue.
      It is very easy to pit people against each other. It is very easy to make people go to war and start a revolution. And what you do Is manufacture a FEAR. And you manufacture a FEAR, by a False Flag operation. once you have that operation out. There are casualties. Fear is created, scapegoats are handpicked. And off we go guns in hand.

      Only after a while. People start to question the war. they ask "is this right?". And when people ask that. The Elitists manufacture a revolution. So what they do is pick an individual, or group of individuals to lead a revolution. To speak out against the goverment and it's policies. again it's 'US against THEM!!!'. Then a revolution happens. And the process starts all over again. This very thing i am talking about has been going on for thousands of years and will continue to go on until we all get destroyed. Only now our guns are a lot bigger. our guns can kill every human being on this entire planet within hours.

      So as long as we continue this story that pop culture puts forth, we will fuck ourselves over PERIOD.

      Don't believe me? watch videos and read history. find out for yourself.
      Oh yeah, you wouldn't want people questioning their leaders. Wake up will you? Revolution is good. Our country was created through revolution.

    20. #20
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      I can't imagine how any kind of opposition could be successful if all opposition was manufactured by an elite political class. It sounds like an idea based upon the perceived futility of political action. Granted, there's plenty to be said about perceived futility of political action nowadays, but it sounds like giving up to disbelieve any candidate who differs from the norm as a tool of the elite. That's learned helplessness.

      That may be a good criticism of Ron Paul, Xaqaria. Which important votes did Ron Paul skip?

    21. #21
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      Quote Originally Posted by ranma187 View Post
      It is very easy to pit people against each other. It is very easy to make people go to war and start a revolution. And what you do Is manufacture a FEAR. And you manufacture a FEAR, by a False Flag operation. once you have that operation out. There are casualties. Fear is created, scapegoats are handpicked. And off we go guns in hand.
      And this by the person who started a thread called "Will The Ron Paul Revolution destroy America"

      Hello! Earth to Ranma! YOU are fostering fear.
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    22. #22
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      Ha! Thanks for pointing that out.

    23. #23
      Consciousness Itself Universal Mind's Avatar
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      I think Ron Paul is the next Rick Flair.

      How do you know you are not dreaming right now?

    24. #24
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      You guys are AGAIN putting words in my mouth. I want to see the exact phrase where i said " Don't listen to Ron Paul and to fear him". Look all ia sk is for you too look at EVERY or ANY Revolution that has happened in the past. The Revolutions were good yes. BUT they were incomplete, because after all was said and done it's just the same old story over and over again. I think George Orwells Animal Farm illustrates this perfectly.

      Ron paul Ideas are good yes. But they aren't new ideas, And they can play into the hands of the elites.

      Quote Originally Posted by Xaqaria View Post
      I've actually looked up Ron Paul's voting record. It seemed to me that the reason why it was 'clean' was because he was absent for all of the votes that I felt mattered. As far back as I cared to look, he seemed like he avoided key issues in order to not offend anyone when it came time to run for president.

      Exactly and look on how he avoided the vote fraud issue in New Hampshire.
      Last edited by Man of Shred; 02-21-2008 at 03:18 AM.
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      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    25. #25
      Dreaming up music skysaw's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ranma187 View Post
      Ron paul Ideas are good yes. But they aren't new ideas, And they can play into the hands of the elites.
      The same can be said for Legos.

      Why exactly were you singling out Ron Paul? How exactly is he more susceptible to the heavy hand of the elite?

      Anyway, some of us wouldn't mind a revolution. Revolution is a response to tyranny. Ever hear of the Boston Tea Party?
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