Okay first of all if you ever try to assert I'm not thankful for the defeat of a Fascist again then I'm going to have to ask you to shoot yourself in the face. You act like just because I think American policy is completely fucked up, it's like I'm anti-american. I'm more a patriot than you will ever be. Over and over again you advocate fascist decrees within the United States and a foreign policy that puts Hitler's to shame, and then you dare act like I support Hitler just because I think he wasn't trying to dominate the world.

Secondly, if Hitler was trying to dominate the world that was the worst planned attempt since Pinky and the Brain. His entire war-machine was fueled by a coal reserve he was just lucky enough to get his hands on. He originally annexed areas in Serbia, then Poland, why? Because he didn't want lower people to have power over the superior Germanic people. That was his motivation for conquest, everything that came afterwards was merely cause and effect. He wanted control over the Germanic and Slavic regions of the globe, but he had no intentions of ever invading the UK until they declared war on him, or the United States even after they started an undeclared war in the Atlantic. He wanted Japan to control Asia, US to control the wastern hemisphere, Britain to control the Indies and him to get his region. He wanted the whole world to be set up with the superior race ruling the lesser races because he was an advocate of eugencis so to him this was a utopian society.

And if you call me anti-american for saying that, then every history teacher in the US needs to be locked up or deported, apparently.