I hate feminists.

And not the awesome ones back in the twenties who honestly were doing the right thing- those flapper chicks were hot! Nowadays I don't hate the regular feminists who think they deserve equal opportunity. That's completely fair and anybody who says otherwise is just stupid as hell.

No, no no. I hate radical feminists.

The ones who march day and night. The ones who hate me just because I happen to have balls and not ovaries. Y'see, it's one thing to be equal. I think we're there right now, as a matter of fact. But it's as if they're trying to actually consciously trying to show how much better they are then me. They aren't. And I'm not better then them accept for the cold, hard, fact that they're fucking stupid and I'm not.

I may be a lot of things, like a jackass, an asshole, and a jerk, but I am not a chauvinist. I hate them too. If they want to get anywhere in the world they should stop dividing. Dividing people into black and white started the American Civil War. Dividing people into 'Jews' and the rest of the world started WWII. And now, dividing people into women and men could start another.

Abortion is a touchy issue. Personally I'm against it, but not for religious reasons. I'm not the least bit religious, (even though these particular views would fit snuggly on an Alabama fundamentalist.) but it's stupid. Once you have a child growing inside of you it isn't about your body anymore. It's the baby's body, - and don't bullshit me with, it isn't human yet! No, it's not. But it will be so quit being stupid.- the fathers, and yes, yours too. Live up to your own stupidity. Getting an abortion is just turning your back on responsibilities. The only time an abortion is right is when you're raped or if you can't support the baby to the point that it will die.

There's other stuff I could go into, like how women aren't in the draft even though it's been proven that they can do great. I don't see any protests about that, mein friends.

In the long run we need to look past things like race, religion, and gender and unite under one banner: Human.