I've just recently gotten into rap a lot more than I used to be.
I used to only have a few songs from my childhood that I liked, like some NWA and Tupac and Dre, but recently I've been getting more and more into it.

There's one thing I've noticed and really still don't like about it is that a very large number of hip hop/rap and even reggae and dancehall artists are very vocal about their disdain for homosexuals, to the point of calling for the murder of "faggots" "batti boys" and "Sodomites"... I don't understand how in a time of such strict political correctness and over sensitive people, that this is allowed to continue or be encouraged.

I do believe that people have a right to say whatever the hell they want... I just don't understand why so many people support that?
There's a song by Styles P called "Kill That Faggot"... if I wrote a song called "Kill That Nigger" I'd be recieving death threats on the daily. Not just from black people, but from socially conscious people in general. When really it's no different... just a different set of letters.

Why is it that one visible minority feels the need to belittle another so crassly, especially when many of them complain constantly about how black people are still being put down by white people.
Do they not realize the ridiculous irony of that situation?

When we find ourselves believing that killing a man makes us more of a man, but loving a man makes us less of a man, it’s probably time to reexamine our criteria for manhood.
