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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      Big Village, North America
      Quote Originally Posted by Greedo View Post

      Also, sterilize those with an IQ of lower than a certain number... We used to do this, why stop? The world is evolving, help the process of natural selection. The principle of survival of the fittest cannot survive unless we, the strong, fight against the weak.
      "I have learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong." -Leo Rosten

    2. #2
      Back from Hiatus! BigFan's Avatar
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      I skimmed through this thread, so, not sure if someone already mentioned this. First off, if anyone here has studied human geography, you would know that the Total fertility rate(TFR) is around 2 for most countries excluding countries like India or China which means that the population has stabilized. The world at the moment isn't overpopulated based on this. It's only countries like India or China where the populations went through the roof, but, other parts of the world have populations that have stabilized.

      From what I got from your post, you seem to be saying that the world is overpopulated and that people shouldn't be having children. I gave you a reason why I think it isn't overpopulated. As for the people shouldn't be having children, well, people have the right to have children. You can't deny them from having their own child because YOU think it's selfish. It's your opinion. Personally, if someone has a child and they don't care about him/her, mistreat him/her or possibly puts him/her up for adoption, then yes, those people shouldn't have children at all, because, they brought a child into this world that they didn't care about, but, if someone is interested in raising their own child and taking care of them, then yes, they have the right to do so. There are people who are interested in having their own children, not adopting, but, they donate to charities that help these orphaned children. As for the graph you posted some posts back, it's obvious that'll happen, but, you seem to forget that as much growth as the human race has had, there has always been some kind of feedback or regulation in place to prevent growth that can't be sustained by the planet. What i mean is that we had the 1918 flu pandemic which killed 25million people or it might have been 50 million. We are long overdue for one now which would likely kill over 100 million people, most being in the 20-40 range which is for lack of a better word, reproduction range, since, most people have kids in that range. In the end, it's the people's own choice to adopt or procreate and you can't force them to do one way or another.
      I have to agree with those that stated that your opinion will change in a couple of years time. When you are young and at your age, you have certain opinions but as you grow older, have more interactions with people, see the world for what it is, etc.... you're opinions about certain subjects will change. Mine did and I'm sure everyone's opinions have changed as they matured.
      # of LDs so far: DILD-1, WILD-0, Awareness-5
      Max Dreams recalled in one night: 3
      Goals: Learn to fly [] - Find out more about myself [] - Explore the sea [] - Pray in an LD []
      Read my DJ: Whirlwind of Dreams
      Read my current research: CAT Research
      Read my meditation experiences: Meditation Experiences

    3. #3
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      Quote Originally Posted by grasshoppa View Post
      "I have learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong." -Leo Rosten
      Thanks for the quote! That is a good one.

      And some countries really do have too many children being born.. we need to keep the trees alive!!
      This was that cult, and the prisoners said it had always existed and always would exist, hidden in distant wastes and dark places all over the world until the time when the great priest Cthulhu, from his dark house in the mighty city of R'lyeh under the waters, should rise and bring the earth again beneath his sway.


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