I Love To Talk About Things That Don't Happen In Real Life. So In My Dream I Frequently dream About Myself Fighting Someone, Or flying, Or fighting someone while flying, etc ( Things That Cant Happen in Real Life )

Anyways whenever I'm fighting someone I always Have Electricity Powers. One time I was at school When I walked into my algebra class i saw a group of 5 people. That were those type of ppl where they seem as though they'd be in some sort of Anime show,only they were real people. i told my friend Noah to bring his sword after school becuz I hade a feeling something was going to happen( Dream Sense) before i left the class I pointed at a girl in the middle with a long black ponytail and said " You're The Leader" Her and her group started laughing. Later when I was walking home ( At night which didnt really make sense) I felt like someone was behind me when i turned around it was one of the girls friends withh a sword. Somehow I had my sword when i pulled it out electricity surged around the blade. Before I could beat the guy I felt my self fading back into reality.

This isn't really I good example ( I have others they're just really long) The whole point is electricity seems to always be with me in my time of need. So whats Your Dream Element>