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    • 1 Post By <span class='glow_FF1493'>Cacophony</span>

    Thread: Comparison to dreams and reality

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    1. #1
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      Comparison to dreams and reality

      A thought recently entered my mind after many unscuccesfull atempts at lucid Dreaming. I realized I needed to make a change in my own life to in turn effect my dream life. The change i needed to make was to be "lucid" in my awake state, meaning im living in the now foccusing on whats important in the moment. I often drift off an put my mind on idol which brings in a bunch of voices that start to worry about different things. I realize nothing is important but the now. Im wondering if anyone has anything to add on some of the things i just disccussed, and if you think this will have an impact on how i dream at night. Any comment is appreciated thanks

    2. #2
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      I think that that's a very amazing realization to come to. Bravo good fellow/lady.

      I think it's really important not to stress out about having lucid dreams, also. If you take a short break, say, from trying to have them... not worrying about having them, etc. Sometimes that can help you have them because the importance of it all has been lifted from your shoulders. I don't think that anyone should get themselves really worked up about having lucid dreams. They should just work towards having them, have them, and not stress about it ever.

      I hope all goes well

      "...and we want punks in the palace, 'cos punks got the loveliest dreams..." - A Silver Mt. Zion
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    3. #3
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      When I first started dreaming, I made a similar connection to the one you make. I would often fail to have a Lucid Dream because in my dreams I would justify to myself that my dream was actually rational. I'd miss obvious dream signs because I'd think to myself, "Oh, I must have been mistaken when I read that paper three seconds ago - words don't just rearrange themselves on a page, that's silly." Or even simple things like, "Arg, this light switch isn't working, the bulb must be burned out."

      It made me wonder how much I was missing in real life because I made faulty assumptions, or failed to question something wrong when I should have.

      Anyway, I agree with Cacophony - don't stress out over lucid dreaming. If you do, you'll probably end up spoiling the lucid dreams you have because you'll get too excited and wake yourself up. You're going to dream every single night for the rest of your life - there's no rush.
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    4. #4
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      Thank you Cacophony and Hiro for the input. In response to Cacophony I am a 15 year old guy trying to make some changes in my life.Ive been down a rough path to where i am now, but feel that things are starting to look a little bit brighter for me. I feel ive been led to this lucid dreaming for a reason bigger then I undersstand and hope to master the practice by the time im outta highschool. In response to Hiro you were just like i am right now, my dreams are always very similar to real life and it is tough for me to make the distintion right now. At this point im just glad i can recall my dreams. I will take the advice both of you gave me and take it easy for a wihle on the dreaming. thanks again for the help

    5. #5
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      That's really great, Whitedreams! It sounds like you're well on your way!

      I was reading a book on lucid dreaming earlier this morning and in it it said of lucid dreaming, "you can't write poetry until you learn the alphabet." The same is true of lucid dreaming, and if you keep in mind that there is so much to learn about it, it'll be easier not to stress yourself out about it. If lucid dreaming was easy we wouldn't have so many induction tutorials, threads, about how to do it, etc.

      Keep on dreamin' those dreams!
      whitedreams likes this.

      "...and we want punks in the palace, 'cos punks got the loveliest dreams..." - A Silver Mt. Zion
      It was the best of times. It was the end of times.

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