(This is in the General forum because I'm not asking for, or offering to interpret dreams. Hope that's okay)

I've had an interesting trend with my dreams lately that I'd like to share with you guys. For perhaps the past week or so, all of my dreams had my little brother in them at some point. They weren't nightmares or anything, in fact, they were pleasant. Still, my dreams are generally not that consistent. I even had a lucid dream this past week, which is rare enough for me, and he ended up interrupting it. So, I figured there was something here that I should be paying attention to... but what?

Last night I decided that if nothing else, I'd start with the simplest solution, and called home. He's still only 15, so he's home with my parents. I ended up chatting with all of them on the phone call, and my brother was especially happy to chat with me. After that long call I went to bed. Now, this morning 2 things changed about my sleep: What I managed to remember of my dreams didn't include my brother, and I actually seemed to sleep deeper.

Basically, the short version is that instead of trying to "interpret" my dreams, I tried something simple, and it worked. I believe that dreams share some of the characteristics of the dreamer, and I'm a very practical-minded person, not so good with symbolism. So, with my own personal dreams at least, it seems like I don't need to work too hard to interpret things, but just run with them. I want to hear if anyone else has had any similar experiences though, where a dream just "made sense" to you.