Post from dream journal:

After a day at the fair, me and the band congregate on a beautiful cliff over-looking the ocean which was litt beautifully by the moonlight. It would of been incredibly relaxing had I not remembered this dream. As the band is talking I hear the water becoming agitated and I immidiately grab our drum major and run off to the side where the cliff circles a wall and a gap becomes clear. I get ready to jump it but stop just before because it was too large. I lose my footing and plummet towards the ocean and I know what monsters wait below. I then find myself struggling to escape the dreamworld. My window in RL becomes visible but the dream is still trying to take hold. I feel my bed start to shake me kicking It trying to awaken somebody so that they can come wake me. I finally manage to break free but unable to move as I am now in sleep paralysis for a few minutes until I finally regain control. (this was my first SP encounter)

I've never had an experience when I decided to exit a nl dream like that one because I physically felt myself struggling to get out and then that was my first experience with sleep paralysis ever though it wasn't as scary as some make it out to seem.