I've been reading my dream journal and noticed some strange things that happens to me. I do not know if this also happens to you.
1-In many dreams, when I try to speak, my voice does not come out. It seems that I lost my voice.
2-Many dream characters when they talk to me, they talk too fast without stopping and i do not understand them.
3-When I dream I'm in places I know well (in my house, in my parent's house, at work ...) the place is very similar to real life but in much larger dimensions.
4-I can speak foreign languages fluently, with perfect accent, which does not happen in real life.
5-Many times I cannot fly with ease. I have to use the swimming technique (paddling with my arms) which makes me fly very short distances, go slowly and i get very tired.
6-The dream characters i meet to talk always seems to be much older. Always seems to have between 50-70 years of age.