Hello, this thread is about the strangeness of items that you encounter in dreams. For example books and their titles, which in most cases are quite humorous and twisted beyond understanding. Share your experienced where you've been in contact or seen items and read strange titles of books or anything from your dreams. I'll start.

I've had many dreams where I stumble upon books or posters with strange titles or weird things written on and in them. The most recent one was from a dream experience which took me to a libary. I saw one of my friends sitting at a table looking through his books. They seemed to fall under the same category of strange phenomena and supernatural things. One of the books was entitled "No." with big white letters and a book art showing a graveyard with a typhical ghastly theme. The second book had Russian letters all over it. And the third had some intellectual high-standard English title.

Please, share your observations.