• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2010

      Becoming too lucid

      Alright, I'm new to this site and I'm not sure where to post this but here at least I know that it'll be seen. I've always been lucid, even when I was a kid but I never knew how to control them. Now that I'm older (only 18) I feel like I lucid dream far too often. I feel like I've lived my life to the full extent several times over, now I feel like I'm in a sleep state more than I am in an awake state. Has anyone else felt this problem? It's starting to get ridiculous. I feel like I have the mind of an old man and I'm only 18 and it scares me more than anything.

    2. #2
      Member hiiamabat's Avatar
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      Thats really interesting...Although I have a few questions before I really answer you...

      Do you mean that you have played out everything you could possibly want to experience through your dreams?

      And when you say you feel more a sleep state when awake-for what reason?

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jan 2010
      I mean that the other night I had so many false awakenings that I had felt as if I had already lived out my life. As I was laying on my death bed I looked back and realized that none of it had ever happened and I woke up sweating. It's reaching a point that I'm sleeping more than i am awake and every time I fall asleep I wake up. I don't really know what I'm asking for, I just wanted to see if anyone else understood I guess...

    4. #4
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      That's pretty damn weird man. So basically you can never tell the difference between reality and dreaming while you accidently go lucid while sleeping?

    5. #5
      ex-redhat ClouD's Avatar
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      I think I understand. It becomes very repetitive, drearily. Uncomfortable, but like you've also had enough of even the discomfort.

      I get this almost every night lately, through with it all, lucidity no longer a question and becoming anaemic. It leaves me shaky awake, feeling like I am entirely a blur. Frequent sleep deprivation further adds to it. Memories from dream and waking life mix and leave me unsure and somewhat uncaring.

      I don't care to try and get over it, I suppose it'll pass eventually, or it won't. I don't consider it much a problem, though it certainly does keep me more messed up in the days.

      What to do? I don't know, I just think I might understand what you're saying.
      You merely have to change your point of view slightly, and then that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Jan 2010
      Quote Originally Posted by ClouD View Post
      I think I understand. It becomes very repetitive, drearily. Uncomfortable, but like you've also had enough of even the discomfort.

      I get this almost every night lately, through with it all, lucidity no longer a question and becoming anaemic. It leaves me shaky awake, feeling like I am entirely a blur. Frequent sleep deprivation further adds to it. Memories from dream and waking life mix and leave me unsure and somewhat uncaring.

      I don't care to try and get over it, I suppose it'll pass eventually, or it won't. I don't consider it much a problem, though it certainly does keep me more messed up in the days.

      What to do? I don't know, I just think I might understand what you're saying.
      Alright, just making sure I wasn't losing it entirely. Mix lucid dreaming every night with a lot of pot and you never really know if you're awake or not.

    7. #7
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      This is really interesting, but if you're lucid every night how could it be that you're convinced you're on your death bed? Shouldn't you know it's only a dream, and thus have the recall to know it will end soon or even the ability to end it. Also, check out the movie Waking Life, it addresses this specific subject a bit and will probably induce some inspiring dreams. I suggest, if you really are going lucid every night, to try and set goals or complete tasks every night such as trying to explore the Akashic records, trying to reach the state of Astral Projection, trying to speak to Buddha or Jesus, trying to speak to deceased relatives, or even practicing something that you wish to get better in real life such as a musical instrument or a sport. If you were born with this natural talent you should put it to good use which might unleash some awesome brain power in your waking life. Also check out some Don Juan/Carlos Castaneda books. A lot of us wish we had this natural ability, don't let it go to waste.

    8. #8
      LD's this year: ~7 tommo's Avatar
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      Shit this thread looks like a Lucid Dreamers Anonymous or something lol

      Why so down man? Check out the Lucid Task of the month. I think there's one for every week as well. Just do them in your dreams to give you something to do. There's endless possibilities.... just keep learning more IRL about various topics and you will find so many things to lucid dream about. Also, stop smoking for a while and see if it helps. I'm not anti-pot, in fact quite the opposite but you never know, it might help to go off it for a while and get your dreaming sorted out.

    9. #9
      Join Date
      Dec 2009
      I can see where this would eventually become a problem... Basically you're asleep and you're living one life... Then you wake up and you have to live a "normal" life.

      Even though I wish I could become lucid every night it sounds very exhausting. Maybe laying off the weed for a while? Maybe that will help. If you're coming here to wonder how not to become lucid... Maybe you should try using the techniques in reverse. Instead of WILDing to remind you subconcious that you will remember your dreams... Train yourself not to remember your dreams. This way you won't have a feeling of living two lives.

      Good luck to you


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