False awakening, am I using the term right? When you think you've woken up from a dream but you're still in a dream?

What was your longest chain? I mean, in a single dream, how many dreams did you think you woke up from? Like, a dream inside a dream inside a dream, etc?

I remember, the one and only time was when I was really little, like four. I dreamed I was getting chocolate out of the Christmas calendar in the morning, when I got the feeling I woke up and I was back in bed. I ran through for more chocolate. This repeated a good seven or eight times, waking up and running through for chocolate - each time with a different amount of chocolate left. Some times there was none, other times it was almost empty, sometimes full. It didn't seem to matter which order it was in.

Apparently my mum had a similar experience before, since I was born.

How about your longest chain of thinking you've woken up in the same dream?