As well as fun dreams we remember is there any outstanding dreams you had where you felt ripped off because it wasn't real?

A few months ago I was at the club playing poker machines with my wife looking up at the link machine grand prize of $100,000 I thought no way anyone is ever going to win that. So I started playing a machine and in a while won $50,000 My best mate was working there that night on duty of the gaming machines. He came over to congratulate me on my win and get me to sign the documents formalizing it . Looking over his shoulder for the manager he said stuff it you can have the big one its never been won before its good publicity to have it won, my prize was then changed to $100,000. As I picked up the pen to sign the paperwork to collect it almost made it to where I sign then.. the alarm clock woke me, grrr. It seemed so vividly real that I went to work and told my work mates I won a huge prize then explained what happened it was funny at first they were envious then sympathetic, I was annoyed all day and wished I didn't remember it.