I was thinking of a new transportation method today and I thought I'd share it.
Based on the dream content tutorial, during a dream the brain will make connections with whats going on to other "related" things. This is called schema flow. For those who haven't read:
"The content of our dreams is largely created by the relationships that our brains creates between objects, scenes, and other elements. We call these relationships schemas. Some of these schemas may seem strange to the conscious mind, but to the dreaming mind, they make perfect sense. Our dreaming brain constantly changes things around us based on schemas, this is how dreams can seem to have completely random circumstances, but still seem to have a continuous flow.
Schemas also have varying levels of relationships. Some things are strongly associated with each other, others are loosely associated. The things that are strongly associated are the ones that will usually show up in your dreams. However, say you have two elements in your dreams, both are loosely associated with another element, their relationship level adds up, so it may show up.
Say your dream with schema of the beach. What kinds of things are associated with the beach? The obvious ones would be things like: water, sun, sand, bathing suit. But there are other associations that are less obvious. If you've ever seen 'Jaws' you probably have a slight association between it and the beach. If you've ever had a sunburn, you may associate skin inflammation with the beach. If you've ever had a summer romance, then love may be associated. All these things are probably very loosely associated with the beach. Finally, lets say you have a cousin who lives at the beach.
Dreams are also made up of thoughts from throughout the day. If you spent any time with your family, they may show up in your dream. Again, you have strong associations to family such as: mother, father, brother, your house, the dog. You also have looser associations. One of your weaker associations will probably be that cousin who lives at the beach.
So if you are having a dream at the beach with your family, the chances of running into your cousin who lives there is increased.
Schema Flow
When looking at dreams from a waking state, often we realize that they change very rapidly, yet somehow all seamlessly merge. This is because your brain does the schema associations so quickly and immediately starts it's next association. Schemas can go from one thing to something completely unrelated and seemingly random very quickly.
Say your dream involves playing foursquare. The ball is round and red, apples are round and red, apples are good in pie, pie is very traditional for thanksgiving dinner, thanksgiving dinner usually has turkey, turkey is a bird, birds fly, planes fly, planes take you on vacation, suddenly in your dream you are on vacation.
Your dreaming mind went through all of these associations so quickly that you didn't even notice then, so it may seem like your dream is creating random elements. These elements are not random at all, but somehow related to the way that you associate different things"
Anyways, I was thinking, what if you took advantage of this to teleport? For example, if I'm in my room (lucidly) and wanted to go to the beach, I would think: I'm in my room; my room is my family's house; family, I have family in California; California is famous for beaches. Then BAM! I'm at the beach.
I was just thinking about this today, what does everyone think?
Also, I have not tested this yet.