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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Mar 2005

      Dreams that bother me

      I am new to this forum so I don;t know where i should put a dream that needs interpretation, so if this is the wrong place just let me know. Anyways, I have a really weird dream and i was just wondering if someone could help me with it. Ok so you are going to need some back ground info i am assuming so i will start from the begining.

      Ok i am a male with some erectil difficulties, and i recently lost my gf over 5 years because of it. She and me were about to get married but she just got too bother by it. So we broke up, and it took it hard of course, but i was eventually getting over it, but then one day i saw her with this other guy. And they were all over each other in public and I got really angry and went up to them and just punched him in the face and knocked him out. Needless to say I was charged and had to do some community volunteer work because i was a first time offender. Now I understand my mistake and that i cannot control other people's behaviour and I have been trying to accept the idea that this women could not accept me for who i am and she is off happy now. But i have become depressed becuase she was my world, and I don;t leave my house anymore, and just am basically anti-social, I just miss her so much. This leads to my real problem, this awful dreams i have been having.

      I often fall asleep with no problem, but its what happens after I fall asleep that bothers me. I have the same recurring dream every night. I start in this beautiful field running and happy, looking at all the wonderful flowers, stopping to look at the glowing sun and feel like i am in a paradise. Then it suddenly changes into this dark black pit that is full of screaming. People buring, I can smell their burning flesh
      others are vomiting and i can taste it in my mouth, and i start becoming sick. Others are being tortured limbs being pulled off, and organs being taken out. Just really violent things. Then out of a cave comes this really tall dark beast. He is about double the size of a person, and is really awful looking, he is eating an arm, and shouts make them suffer more. He walks over to me, and says why are you here, and I reply that i don't know. He turns to walk away but stops suddenly and quickly turns to me and stomps his hoof ( foot) on my head crushing it and yelling you must suffer you bastard. Then I wake up to find: my nose bleeding, gash on my head, hand print brused on my arm, or even bit marks on me.

      Can anyone help me interprete this, or tell me how to stop the dreams or at least stop the physical harm.

      Thank you,


    2. #2
      無駄だ~! GestaltAlteration's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2003
      Louisville, Kentucky
      DJ Entries
      My goodness this is quite the story... First off I will start by saying I dont know how the physical marks got there, I can only guess you may have done it to yourself, but that would hint twords a failure to be in sleep paralisis, so other then this I woulden't know.

      The nightmares are naturaly coming becuase of your tramatic events in real life, loosing someone that close then seeing them happy without you would drive me to the point of insanity, My advise if you havent all ready is see a councelor or some type of help, (There is nothing wrong with it, you need to be able to leave your house again.) Also find any options from the doctor about your erection problem (I'm sure you have done this many times before however, it dosent hurt to learn all the options) In truth a dream is an (What they THINK they are at least) acumulation of what you see in real life, so naturaly your troubled life is whats causing your troubled nights. I wish I could help you more but all I can do is wish you good luck, and remember the grass will get greener, just dont give up!

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Mar 2005


      haha, u need therapy, im not trying to be mean, cuz im kinda a teen physco too,i dont get what u mean by erectil issues, so honestly, i have nothing much to say and odont know why im typing this.....sorry


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