I have been studying/practicing lucid dreaming for the past few weeks. I have been keeping a dream journal and am writing as much as I can in it. I have been reading books and reading plenty of threads and others' questions.

Last night I feel asleep early around 11pm. I am usually in bed around 4 or 5am now that I am out of school and work part time in the afternoons.
I woke up at 5am after a dream. The dream was more vivid than most of my recent dreams. I quickly wrote it down in my DJ and tried to go back to bed with lucid dreaming on my mind. While laying there I realized in my dream when I went to my car to grab my knife it was not the same. I looked at it and said to myself, this is not my knife, its a bit smaller and has a different shape. I ignored it and went on with my dream
If only I would have said hey this is a dream and look 6 fingers on my right hand I would have had my first lucid dream lol.
Hopefully next time right.

I thought i'd share this with yall lol