I came across this news report on The Onion this afternoon, and I couldn't help but think about how it inadvertently advertises lucid dreaming:

Today Now!: Save Money By Taking A Vacation Entirely In Your Mind | The Onion - America's Finest News Source | Onion News Network

It's a joke report that plays off of the poor global economy and how it's becoming increasingly difficult to afford vacations, and so it recommends staying at home, closing your eyes, and imagining that you're on vacation.

It's hilariously ironic because they don't realize that we do this all the time, and with lucid dreaming, you can go anywhere you want and do whatever you want. The thing is, it's not ridiculous for us because we actually can experience the sensations of a vacation (sound, touch, smell, etc.) and we're not wasting any time from our day because we're doing it when we'd otherwise just be sleeping.