Please explain your time window for lucidity mapping out your sleep schedule from the onset of sleep until the momment you wake up to begin your day.

My Avg Sleep Schedule & Avg Time Window In Which I Go Lucid-

-In Bed at 12 am

-12-2am non rem sleep no dreams (on avg.) If i do dream during this time they are very short and hard to remember.

- 2am-3:30am ( wake up from alarm clock) Im performing wake back to bed, searching the internet, watching tv, playing video games etc.

-3:30am to 5:30am This is the time i have my most vivid dreams my recall is better and is the avg time i go lucid

5:30am I wake up from a vivid dream or a lucid dream, recall is gd for journaling 90% of the time at this point.

5:40am -7:45am Some dreams but not as vivid recall not as sharpe as before. I do feel rested and energized ready to go about my day.