Hey, I have striven for Lucid Dreams for years now and have sort of become "numb" to attempting lucid dreams.

Let me put it this way; No matter what I try, my success rate is probably below 1%. The only time I ever get lucid dreams is via random luck, which is around 1 to 4 a year currently.

I have gone through most (if not all) of the base methods of inducing lucid dreams, of which I would usually try for a few weeks before I gave up. Yes, I was dedicated, yes I was putting my all into it, but no I never really got any solid results. This always left me with a, "Oh well, just bad luck, I will get it next time. Let's try something else for a bit" attitude, but now I have gotten extremely tired of trying to have lucid dreams. I still love lucid dreams, and really want them, but it is becoming tedious with no results.

Multiple times have I re-inspired myself by reading through dream-journals (both mine and other's), writing down fake dream stories, etc. etc. This worked great for a long time, but it doesn't really get me excited all that much any more.

I also figured I was trying too hard, so I dropped Lucid Dreaming for a while. The first time I did this resulted in a lucid dream, the times after it merely brings my dream recall to 0 so I try to somewhat keep my mind on it so I can at least enjoy my normal dreams.

I suppose what I am getting at is, I really don't know how to get back into lucid dreaming. I want to have the enthusiasm I used to have, I would like to succeed (even rarely!) at having lucid dreams during attempts, I just don't know how to go about it because I am sorta pooped from all the effort and sick and tired of Reality Checks and losing sleep by waking up in the middle of the night when it really doesn't do anything for me.

Help appreciated.