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    Thread: How would you run your Lucid Land?

    1. #1
      Member superchaz's Avatar
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      How would you run your Lucid Land?

      I'd have peace everywhere. But eventually I'd have to enforce it that the "inhabitants" would rise up and hate it because it would be so strict.

    2. #2
      D.V. Editor-in-Chief Original Poster's Avatar
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      I'd hold a great citadel from an endless horde of invaders
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      Everything works out in the end, sometimes even badly.

    3. #3
      Member Fredfredburger's Avatar
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      Mine would be a chaotic land and randomness. I would declare myself king Yama nad have my right hand man be Fredfredburger from the grim adventures of billy and mandy. The two of us would rule the land and the only rule would be, do what pleases you lest it make the king angry. My castle would be a flying castle, powered by my wizardness. I would fly all over the land unleashing evil undead monsters apon the towns folk just to see what happens. Whether its a blood bath or a tea party it is up to them. If the towns people defeat the undead, then I will come down and sayeth to them, "Good job yo, the rotten flesh of these zombies will be your only food for the next month." I would carry a sword called {the sword of insanity], with which I would rule the land. When someone makes me mad, they will be sentanced to death via Fredfredburgers repetitive spelling of his own name.

      PS: vote me in for president.
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    4. #4
      Ontologist LabRat's Avatar
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      I'd be the Captain of a forever-migrating space fleet of about 50 large battleships, traversing the cosmos negotiating peace treaties and destroying civilisations for resources and for the good of my people.

      Oh, and Id have a light-saber.
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    5. #5
      See, for yourself ShadowOfSelf's Avatar
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      A huge city in the future, a massive new york overgrown with forestry. There is a huge divide between the humans and cyborgs, amounting to physical, psychic and internet based warfare. Like star wars, but cooler.
      Oh and also I am the leader of the naturals and rule all.

    6. #6
      Dream Crusader kidcrow's Avatar
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      My lucid land would have no one in charge. It will be a military based society and the only way to survive is to have the biggest clan, the best guns, and the most organized strategies. The environment will be full of wastelands, ghost cities, beautiful country side, and grasslands. Attacks would be imminent so you will always have to be on your guard. Outlaws, and hired mercenaries or normal, outside of encountering a different clan, so you better to get trying to recruit them if they don't blow your brains out first. Kidnappings and escaped hostages will be the norm so kill or offer protection. Its basically a world where double crossing and spies are the most expected thing to find. Its like a video game that no one made yet. Its a dangerous world in my lucid land, but hey good thing its only a dream right?

    7. #7
      Oneironaut DreamBliss's Avatar
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      This scenario brings up interesting glimpses into the inner struggles and viewpoints of people. It has been an interesting read. In reality I should spend some time on this, detailing everything. Heck that could be the material for a new book! How many books can a person write at once anyhow? Well back to the subject... I can sketch this out.

      I would create a society where you earn based on the contribution of your work to society. Those who contribute more will have more, those who contribute less will have less. Hard work will be rewarded, not expected. Contributions can be a painting or cleaning restrooms in a public park. There will not restrictions on what can be contributed. However if what is contributed is not something anyone in the society needs or wants, then the contributor will have to contribute something else. There would be no currency, nothing to encourage greed. You would trade, via contributions, for what you need or want. Every kind of contribution would have a government agreed-upon stated value, based on the needs and wants of the society, collected and voted on by the leaders of each group.

      Our leaders would be selected based on what the majority, gathered together says. A leader would not be allowed to run for office. Instead they would be chosen by a collective vote, based on the viewpoints of the people he or she lives with or near, or interacts with. For say every 100 people one leader would be selected to work with leaders from other groups of people. There could be one or more leaders per village or city, based on the number of people there. The resulting collective group would contribute by serving the needs of their communities.. If the need for a law became apparent the leader would have to present it to be voted on by the people they serve. Laws would not be permanent. They would have a set life time, say 2 years. Then the people would have to vote on it again. Leaders would also only serve for a set time such as 2 years without exception.

      There would be a sort of agency, made up of chosen people, anyone who was not serving as a leader, who would keep an eye on the police forces and the leaders. They would collect census data on people and figure out of a law solved a problem or created new ones. Each member here could, once again, only serve a set time. They could not be re-elected into office. Everyone serves only one time, people will be brought in if there is a shortage of people who can contribute.

      The leaders would from the people, after the same exhaustive testings they themselves went through, select say 1 person to serve as a police officer There would be one for every 10 people or something like that. Just like the leaders they would only serve a limited time. Unlike the leaders however, they can offer to contribute more if they want to. They have to be re-elected by the leaders and undergo more testing.

      Anyone who violates the law of society will be given the choice to leave, taking their possessions and anyone of their loves ones, who have chosen to, come with them, or contributing in service to their community for a set period of time, based on they severity of their crime.

      Those who have broken the law could also choose, in time of war, to become soldiers and serve their sentence that way. This society would not be warlike, and would exhaustively seek out peaceable solutions. But because of their advanced technology and abilities, they would have incredibly strong defensive and offensive powers. Non-lethal force would always be chosen first, all enemy soldiers put into service of the society or shipped away, either back to their homeland or to a prison planet. There those who could not live in the society would be placed. If other civilizations where found that wanted said individuals for any reason, and the individuals wanted to go there instead of the prison planet, they would be shipped there. They could also be shipped off the prison planet anywhere they were wanted, if they wanted to go. Surviving enemy soldiers would be shipped back to their home world when the war was over. The shipping to and from the prison planet would be accomplished via a teleportation device. No ship would ever enter the atmosphere. Special technology orbiting outside the planet would create a shield that would prevent any ship from passing through the atmosphere.

      This society would study and work with their dreams and all other related subjects. They would be spiritual and physical adventures, making and sharing new discovering in both realms. There would be no religion. All religion would be banned from the society. Instead its people would receive training in school to go into the spiritual realms and find THE TRUTH for themselves. This is the mark of every citizen in the society. For any person unable to work within the spiritual realms there would be no rejection. The could simply read the extensive literature the society producers and adopt whatever beliefs they agree with. Everyone will worship God in their own way, or not worship Him of they so choose, based on their own personal experiences and forays into the spiritual realms.

      This society would co-exist with their environment. Emphases will be placed on the usage of all natural, renewable and sustainable materials. Houses would each be a part of the land and the ecosystem. Roof gardens where the family grows food, solar panels, wind mills, water mills and electronic power, as well as any new natural sources of power discovered, will be what this society uses. They will be highly intelligent, extremely spiritual, well versed in things our society would see as magical in nature, and technologically advanced.

      They would also be highly moral, respecting their bodies as much as the environment. The only unions between two people would be heterosexual. Nobody would be allowed to alter their sex. These things we see in our own society are the result of abuse, improper example, poor spiritual development and immorality among other things. None of that would exist in this society.

      There would also be nothing like corporate control, producing food on a large scale for everyone. Everyone will be physically fit and healthy, because they would only take in substances in ways that would not harm their bodies There would be no ban on natural hallucinogenic plants, such as mushrooms, marijuana, peyote, ayhussa, etc. Growth of such plants would be encouraged. Those serving as scientists would constantly examine plants and their effects on the human body. Plants with side effects, that caused harm, would be banned if no safe way could be found to ingest them. All chemical substances, even things we consider medicine in our society would be banned – would not even be produced. There would be no industry as we know it, and no industrial waste.

      All medicine and treatment would be natural, based on exhaustive study of the body. Things we use now like acupuncture, massage, herbal treatments etc, would be used as treatments as needed. Everyone would be taught how to meditate and time would be given throughout the day for people to meditate, exercise, take a break, or eat a meal.

      Everyone will live and work at their own natural pace. Speed and quantity would not be important. Hard work would not be seen as a means to an end. Quality would be the focus: Quality of Life (contributions, physical health), Quality of Mind (education, mental health) and Quality of Spirit (meditation, dreams, obe.)

      All education would be free. Teachers are contributing by teaching, and others contribute in various ways on the campus, from the people who tend to the property to those who run it. The people who live around the school, in that area, would collectively contribute whatever the school needed, whether it be materials to repair it or paintings for its walls. Teaching would involve all senses, so no student is left behind. No emphases would be placed on grades or tests. In fact there would be no grading system. Tests would exist merely as a means to asses each student’s needs. Students would be transferred from school to school, even teacher to teacher, as needed to ensure they find the teacher they are most compatible with. Students contribute by being students for a set period of time until they have learned the subjects needed for a chosen field in which they would like to contribute. There would be no set time to earn a degree, no courses outside those needed. Students would have to contribute in the field in which they trained for a set time equivalent to the contribution given to their education. They could then continue or return and train for another field. Everyone would be encourage to find their own Life's Purpose, to contribute ion the way that best fits within their purpose.

      Finally there would be an order of monks. Remember there would be no religion. These monks would contribute spiritual, mental and physical healing, as well as the preservation, translation and copying of old texts and of course teaching on spiritual matters. There would only be a minimum period of time of service for a monk, they can serve as long as they like. As in school each monk in a monastery must serve an equivalent period of time to the time they spent in training in their chosen field. After that they can continue to contribute by serving in the monastery, or they can train for another field and leave. Spiritual teachers contribute with their spiritual teachings and the sharing of personal spiritual experiences. They may or may not have someone contributing my writing these words down for the teacher. As for the school all the needs of a monastery are met by the local groups of people living around it. Monks would serve two additional and vital services. One would be the guidance, by an experienced spiritual leader, of an individual to their Life's Purpose, so anyone having trouble finding or aligning themselves to their could seek out their local monastery and while in service there recover the help they need. Also the spiritual leaders of the monastery, the candidates chosen by the monks and then voted on by the local people, would be responsible for guidance on dreams. They would be well versed in guiding each individual through their own dream translation, helping individuals learn how to astral project and assisting in any other needed area concerning spiritual matters. Service as a monk in a monastery would be one of the most desired positions of the society.

      OK that's the best I can do for now. Need to take a shower and go to bed -
      - DreamBliss
      Last edited by DreamBliss; 12-24-2011 at 01:47 PM.
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    8. #8
      I love kebap Ilumirath's Avatar
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      I would not rule really, just enjoy the experience and have fun. Let it suprise me.
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      Whatever happens~

    9. #9
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      My world would be the way it is in real life, cept without any of the huge problems, and people wear ALOT less, and are horny much more often, and work was done for us by robots, and I would be a king, but I wouldn't nee to do anything because the world is so perfect

    10. #10
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      I'd run things like one giant game of Mao, minus the cards and with. . . steeper penalties, for rule breakers.

      I'm afraid that's all I can say.

    11. #11
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      My lucid world would be like Disneyland except without the lines.

    12. #12
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      Total and unconditional anarchy.

    13. #13
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      There is only 1 law and that is my will. The DC's treat eachother nicely and peacefully, unless I command them otherwise ofcourse.

    14. #14
      Ev is offline
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      I would provide consciousness to DCs and see what they can come up with. If you've played Dragon Age, I would be the "Maker", while the DCs would evolve independently. This shifts the burden of answering big questions to someone else

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      Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
      In the lane, snow is glistening
      A beautiful sight,
      I'm happy tonight.
      Walking in my lucid wonderland.

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