Last night I was trying to fall asleep I was lying on my back and I remembered hearing something about looking to the left or right it was part of some lucid dreaming technique that I read about during the day. It said look to the left or right and just think and wait around after a while when your eyes roll back and center themselves you will feel more aware that was all I remember from it. So after a while of lying in bed with my eyes closed and looking to the right I could feel my eyes center. I didn't feel more aware but my feet ang legs began to feel heavy and I felt a big strange fear. I couldn't tell what I was afraid of. I had been already trying to sleep for about an hour and I didn't want to open my eyes but I felt so close to sleep but the fear got so big that I had to open my eyes , so I did. I opened my eyes and looked around and I felt stupid for opening my eyes . My legs didn't feel heavy anymore and I wasn't scared anymore. What was going on?! Why was I scared why did my legs feel weird?! I'm really confused it took me about another hour to finnaly fall asleep.