Originally Posted by LDreamerZERO4
So when I am going to sleep as I am observing my Hypnagogia, I will be seeing a vivid dream scene then all of a sudden I snap out of it and return to darkness to restart. Is this a Hypnic Jerk and will I soon fall asleep consciously? It feels like I'm about to go into a dream scene then I feel a little jerk and I'm back in complete darkness of Hypnagogia. I get to another Dream Scene and same thing happens(usually).
From my small experience, it seems that you really need to just go with the flow. What i mean is don't think "Wow, this is Hypnagogia!", if u do this you will probably snap back to complete darkness. Don't even pay attention to it, don't even think about what your seeing. For me this is the hardest part of a Wild, because it is like a reflex that u need to control. It takes some practice, but you will get there.