Hey guys, what's wierd about this dream... The wierd thing is, I only remember this one part of it. My recall's good, so I'm assuming I hopped straight into this, and my mind filled in the rest (the supposed "story"), as I don't remember the actual scenes.
Well, I'm in a white, palace sort of place, with huge doors nearby. There's a few other people in here. I remember that this place is the dungeon or torture chamber, or the lair of something, of a god or a demon. We have defeated this being (again, I have no memory of this, I just thought it)
So, now we have to escape.
Me and another person point at the doors and open them. Outside, there's water- we're deep under sea level, a massive swim back up.
I say "I forgot about that", and "he sure hid this place well.... Or just made it hard to escape" (very cliche, I know). I assumed that the water wasn't coming inside because the air in the palace was actually a "bubble" and couldn't be penetrated unless we breathed all the air in- used it up- and the balloon would collapse. So we have to move fast.

This dream is not lucid, but next time I lucid dream, I want to revisit this place, make it my "dream base" of sorts, as it's magnificent image is inside my head....
I'm into Greek Mythology, so maybe this place is a play on Poseidon's underwater palace?
Just asking for your thoughts on this.