Do you daydream a lot? I mean, like, A LOT? Then you might just be a maladaptive daydreamer. Here are some inserts from some web sights I know:

Symptoms Of MD

There are not any conclusive symptoms of MD, since it's not an official diagnosis, but in view of the research available, there are a few signs that be related to MD:

1. Daydreaming excessively in a way that is often compared to an addiction.

2. This excessive daydreaming often begins in childhood.

3. Books, movies, music, video games, and other media may be a daydreaming trigger.

4. The daydreaming itself is often detailed and elaborate, sometimes compared to a movie or novel.

5. Repetitive movements while daydreaming are common (but not always present in sufferers) — pacing, rocking, spinning, shaking something in their hand, etc.

6. They may sometimes talk, laugh, cry, gesture, or make facial expressions as they daydream. People suffering from this know the difference between daydreaming and reality, and do not confuse the two; this makes them distinctly different from psychotics or schizophrenics.

7. Some people will lie in bed for hours daydreaming, and may either have difficulty going to sleep because of this, or have difficulty getting out of bed once awake. They may also neglect basic functions such as regular meals, showering, and other daily activities because of their daydreaming.

Maladaptive Daydreaming is not an officially recognized condition yet. We’re still learning a lot about it. Here are some of the main symptoms that seem to be emerging:
• You daydream more often than you think is normal.
• You’ve built up a character(s) that’s an idealized version of yourself
• You feel more empowered in your daydreams.
• You’re starting to enjoy daydreaming better than the real world.
• Daydreaming is starting to interfere with your day-to-day activities.
• You might enact some movement, like pacing or moving your hands, (though not everyone does this).

Maladaptive Daydreamers have many gifts along with struggles.
-extreme creativity
-the ability to think through complex issues on our own
-the ability to see issues from many perspectives (we can have intense dialogs in our own minds)
-the ability to think quickly
-strength. (It takes a lot of strength to live in two worlds at once.)
-insightful and empathetic
-loving (Even when no one's around, we still have people to love in our minds.)

-extreme difficulty concentrating
-sluggish. It's hard to be productive when you just want to daydream
-clumsy and awkward
-difficulty cultivating or maintaining relationships (This may not apply to everyone, but if your MD starts to progress, you may prefer daydreaming to real interactions)
-difficulty completing tasks due to desire to constantly stop and daydreaming
-difficulty reaching certain milestones because of constant desire to stop and daydream.