Hi guys,

This is my first post to the forum. I am here because I had a very strange thing happen and the closest thing I can attribute parts of it to would be lucid dreaming, however I wasn't dreaming. I have tried to explain this to a few people in real life, but have been told I was just "tripping" (there were, in fact, drugs involved). However, I feel that I actually brought things back that prove that what I was experiencing was real. Please read this with an open mind. I would say that what happened was by far the craziest phenomenon that I have heard of happening to a person and I swear every word below is true.

This introduction to the story is important because it may contributed to what allowed me to experience what I experienced. I am male, mid-twenties, active and healthy. A few weeks ago, I got the flu to the point where I had a temperature of about 104 degrees. Having lots of medications around, I decided to just tackle it myself. Over the next few days, I consumed what I realized later was very high amounts of DXM (active ingredient in cough medicines). I realized after this was all over that the cough drops had DXM, the allergy medication had DXM, and of course the cough syrup had DXM. I am pointing this out because I think it may relate. I was also starting a new job, which required me to see all three shifts of a company (7am-3pm, 3pm-11pm, and 11pm-7am). I had agreed, in advance, to see all these different shifts in a week instead of two weeks, knowing this would be quite the strain on my "day and night" cycle. I'm young, whatever, let's do it. Long story short, the allergy medications screwed with my sleep, as did the night and day cycles (I was working 16 hours out of 24 hours in some cases), and so on. I was up for 3-4 days when a friend of a friend offered me a little bit of "speed". Not one to do drugs like that, but realizing I needed to keep going and be awake for work, I accepted. I made it through the first week of work, but I went almost 5 days without sleep, in-took a large amount of DXM, and really just all in all beat my body down.

I had not taken in any drugs in about 2 days. I was finally allotted the time to sleep.. I no longer felt ill.. I still felt a little bit exhausted, but a bit wired; I think after a certain amount of time without sleep, your body kind of just says "alright, we are staying awake" and you actually feel alert. Anyway.. here is where it gets strange. And again, I feel fine, I do not feel high, I had taken in no substances in almost 2 days:

When I was laying in bed, I couldn't quite sleep. In an effort to do so, I had my eyes closed. Now, I don't know if anyone has ever experimented with amphetamine type drugs, but a day or two later you sometimes will hear auditory hallucinations. I haven't quite figured out if these are completely from nothing, or if your hearing is just really good for that time period and your mind kind of distorts it into new thigns. For example I thought I was hearing music once, but realized it was water moving in the water pipes throughout the house.. when I connected the two, it made sense. Sometimes though you will straight up hear voices. Not talking to you, not very clear.. you usually can't make out what they are saying. It just kind of vaguely sounds like a muffled conversation outside the room or something. I have experienced this 1-2 days after the comedown from drugs, and was slightly experiencing it again laying there in bed. No biggy. What happened next though was that in a complete state of relaxation, these voices started to actually make sentences that I could understand. It freaked me out, and I opened my eyes. I remember the first voice I heard seemed like it was a someone talking with a strong British accent. I realized then it was 2-3 people having a conversation.. one of them with the British accent. When I opened my eyes, everything would stop. When I would close my eyes, everything would start again. As soon as I would close my eyes, I would hear like 5-6 different muffled conversations and could sort of "zoom in" to one of them and hear it more clearly. At first it was difficult to understand what they were saying, and I could only stay focued for 1-3 second.. but after 20 minutes or so of relaxing and trying to "navigate" what was happening, I was able to CLEARLY hear 5-15 seconds of these things. At first I thought it was all random.. I had no idea what was going on.. but then something crazy happened. Two things, actually.

1) I started hearing these things in PERFECT CLARITY, as if they were happening right then. I was hearing details of their voices that I could not have remembered. The first one I could hear very clearly, and for an extended amount of time, was the person speaking with the accent. Guys, I was hearing the voice and the accent better than I could describe that type of accent. Does that make sense? I mean I kind of get what a British accent sounds like, but I was hearing sentence after sentence of perfectly formed British accented words. I remember one was the sound of my dad calling their dog. Like you know how some people make weird noises and stuff to get the dogs attention and get them to come? I was hearing that, in perfect clarity. I could not have remembered that, to that level of clarity, on my own.

2) I started to realize that many of these things were not random, they were memories. I feel now that all of them were in fact memories, just some of which I could remember and some of which I could not. Like the British accent and a lot of the random conversations... I think those were from TV shows, commercials, etc. There were however certain ones where I know for a fact had happened. One of them was a conversation about taxes I had with my dad years ago.. but I swear it was in PERFECT CLARITY, perfect audio, and I think towards the end I was actually getting the visuals as well, but those were harder to tap into.

Having just had my mind blown, I called a good friend and explained what had happened. He didn't believe me. I said alright, I'm going to prove it to you.. I'm going to remember a conversation we had a long time ago, in perfect clarity, and that will show you that I am in fact doing some type of crazy memory recall. Hungup the phone and closed my eyes... within 15 seconds, sometimes it felt instant, I was once again kind of flowing through a whole bunch of different memories or "files". It hard hard to know what they were. Imagine jogging down a hallway and every 5-10' there was a radio playing a different snippet of a conversation/memory. It was kind of like that. Well anyway, I learned at this point that it was not as simple as saying "Retrieve memories that are of my friend David and I talking". From this aspect, it was random.

Guys this was real. The longer I did this, the more it turned into not just audio, but video recollection as well. One of the memories was of a surgery type room (this one had to be from a TV show) where the surgeon was using specific medical terminology, words that I recognized once said, but could not have just come up with on my own. I need to stress the quality of the recollection; I was hearing the accents in perfect clarity. The excitement in people's voices. Once I locked into a memory, it was all in perfect clarity.

I feel that my brain was so relaxed, so much in need of sleep, slightly effected by DXM and speed, that I was able to access the "memory file system" of the brain. I mean we have memories.. we all know this. They are stored in our brain. What happened to me is not that far fetched.

-Has anyone ever had this happen to them before?
-How does this work? Why did it happen? Is there an easier way to do it again?
-If you could tap into this, couldn't this make you an extremely smart person? Similar to the show "Chuck" or the movie "Limitless"?