I had a dream last night/this morning that I haven't been able to get off of my mind all day - I dreamt of the perfect person. I don't remember how we started talking, but I was arriving at the train station to properly meet him for the first time and to go to prom together. We were both terrified of meeting each other and we were dressed in suits, and we both were wearing a different necklace we had sent to each other before. We had to get three different trains to get to the venue, on which we flirted over subtly and were very shy towards each other throughout the journey. (We met some friends I knew on the train). Every time we made a train switch he'd run off excitedly, expecting me to follow, but I dropped my hat, and when I turned around he was gone. We met again on the train and everything was fine, but on the way back the dream completely changed.

We got separated as we made the first train switch on the way back, and I ended up accidentally boarding the train with him on the carriage at the other end. Slowly, every person on the train started to become possessed, which you could tell by the fact that the pupils of their eyes were replaced by these small memory chips. I tried so hard to make my way through the carriages but couldn't get past the first one, as even close friends of mine tried to hold me back and bar the doorway. Wardens came around searching the bags of the people who didn't get possessed (such as me), until we arrived eventually at my stop at the station where I first met the boy, having flashbacks of meeting him. I got off the train to find he wasn't there, and by now he felt like a dream. I was greeted by best friend, who I asked about the boy. I asked if he was real, and If I'd imagined him. She didn't know the answer to either.

I know the dreams sounds absolutely ridiculous - for one thing, I already had my prom night over a year ago, and I'm fully aware that all of the train possession bits were totally unrealistic, but a part of me feels like the bits of the dream with him were so real and perfect. I can't remember ever feeling like that. This person genuinely made my heart ache. I felt so badly in love, and the thought of them has been affecting me for hours since I woke up, even though this person isn't real - I've never seen or met anyone like that in my life. I can remember every single detail of him, from dark brown curly hair to blue eyes to the individual buttons on his suit, and for some reason I can't shake this horrible sad feeling that none of it is real. It's irritating me because I know that it's stupid, but I just feel really sad.