Have you ever experienced this "problem"?
I have had a number of fairly vivid lucid dreams which have been awesome, but they have always had that specific "dreamlike" quality about them, like how everything has a more "liquid" quality to it or that I move more softly and a little slower.
But sometimes my lucid dreams get vivid to the point when they feel just exactly as waking life, and at this point I feel a little intimidated by them.
I think the whole experience is really bizarre - I know it is a dream, but I just cannot accept it as a dream, because it is too close to waking life experience.
This gives me a sort of "uncanny valley" vibe, where it's hard for me to accept it as either waking life or a dream, and I don't know what to do with it.
Sometimes I have even "given up" on the dream and wanted to wake up, because I feel overwhelmed by the lifelike quality of the dream.