Quote Originally Posted by 11Greg View Post
I did a quick scan of this, but I think this is what I've been doing for like the last 14 years of my life, which was going to be my suggestion. I spend 30 minutes after I wake up to re-live the dreams I just had the previous night. I remember everything as much as possible right down to the emotions I felt. Overtime my brain tends to be really good at storing dreams in permanent memory, I still practice this though to keep it as constant as possible, and its not perfect, but I would say on average i remember 85-90% of my dreams in great detail.

I only write in my DJ when I feel like it.
Yep, same here. I do keep a DJ ( Momento app ), but only use it when Im fully awake in the morning. I start out my entering a few key words and later in the day add to it and reliving the dream. I can go back years in my DJ and veiw an entry remembering it in vivid detail. I only record LDs