So, what do you guys do for WBTB?

Personally, I go to bed at 10, wander dreamviews (the DJ's) on low brightness and on night mode with the lights off until 10:20, then turn off my computer, meditate and relax a bit, then lie on my back thinking about this night's attempt and what I'm going to do until 10:45, then roll over and aim at falling asleep at 11:00 or a few minutes earlier. I then wake up at 4:45, pad around my DJ for awhile, remember my goals, all the time remaining highly aware and alert (while performing 50+ reality checks and doing "impossible" visualizations) until 5:00 or so (I don't use any lights except my nightlight). Then, I go back to bed, and do SSILD to go to sleep. If I have a lucid, I wake myself up when the dream fades and I can't restabilize it, record it in my dream journal, then go back to sleep until I naturally wake up at about 7:00-8:00.

But that's just me. What do you do?