For about two years, I have experienced a night terror within th first half hour of falling asleep. I start dreaming and see something, or sense something terrifying in my room, or on my bed, or next to the bed. Usually it is a male presence, shadow like to my left side. I can tell my mind is taking in whatever my eyes are seeing in my on, and translating it into a scary figure. I feel horrified during this, and can't move. Sleep paralysis. I learned a trick if scrunching up my face to wake myself up, but it is difficult, and I often moan, or call out in slurred jibberish. I freak my girlfriend out nightly.

This is nearly every night! 5 out of 7 nights at least.b it seemed to have started when I moved into my new house, but also take nerve pain medication. Oxycodone and Noratriptyline. These Ned's obviously affect the brain, and the central nervous system. I feel pretty confident the Medes are the culprit, but can't help but wonder? The male presence, the fear......the house was owned by only one other family, and the father was supposedly a very controlling, head strong man. I don't know? I just have accepted this will happen every night like clockwork. What do you think? Thanks.
