Hey, dreamers! So, this morning, I had an amazingly vivid false awakening in my room. Everything felt so real. But, there was a really weird chalkboard in my room and I knew that it had no place being there because I had no idea where it came from. I even said to myself,"No. This is way too real. But, why on Earth is that chalkboard here. That doesn't make sense. How is this supposed to be real and yet, this completely out of place object is here?" I think I even went downstairs and came back upstairs just to see if it was still there, which it was. A few months ago, I had my first LD which was triggered by seeing my little sister's deceased dog. I also had a hint of the puzzled mindset that I had in this morning's dream. But, I guess seeing my sister's dog whom had died only a few days ago back to life was crazy enough to make me realize,"Hey! This is a dream!" Even after I realized it was a dream and became lucid, when I wanted to do a powerblast, I said to myself,"Wait. I can't do that here. I'll wreck the place." as if I were still in WL. I knew that I could do the powerblast (Dream World logic), but was concerned about the consequences that it would have (WL logic).

I know it may sound simple or maybe even foolish, but, can anyone give me some tips on helping me to accept the fact that it's a dream and that WL rules don't apply? It's like I know for a fact that I can become lucid and that I can be dreaming at any given moment. But, my mind seems to still be stuck in WL logic, whether I'm in WL or Dream World. It's almost as if me being in a lucid dream is too good to be true for my mind to accept. Do any of you have any advice, tips, or words to help me overcome this mindset? I would GREATLY appreciate it. Please and thank you!