That subject is a little hazy, to be sure. Time travel seems intuitively difficult, but unless you are trying to run it backwards in real-time or something, simply stepping from one time and place into another time and place actually wouldn't be very difficult, I imagine. However, learning to actually affect time dilation (or conversely, constriction--not sure who'd want to try constricting time, but it would be interesting to see the results nonetheless) seems quite advanced. It's also not sure to what extent time dilation actually dilates time, and when your mind starts filling in "time" with false memories. To be sure, the sensation of time's passage can be fiddled with, it's quite common in some non-lucid dreams and a frequent report of hallucinogenic drugs. However, how far does that go in terms of letting you get a certain amount of things done, before it becomes impossible for you to actually be doing any of those things and the rest is taken care of by dramatic "cuts" in what is happening that aren't noticed because how convincing false memories can be, along with how nonsensical some things that happen are but they seem perfectly reasonable in dreams.
I've never spent more than what felt like 3 days in a dream before, and all of these dreams were non-lucid. When remembering the dreams themselves, the fact that I had false memories and cuts between certain scenes at different times was obvious, but it wasn't at the time. So, when you're completely aware in a lucid dream, I have no idea how something like that would work.