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Hello everyone,
I was reading the astral projection training scene in the manga Berkserk. They had to visualize their luminous body in order to enter other dimensions. Evidently, I was relating to this in terms of lucid dreaming. Last night I became lucid while drifting down a river with sharks jumping out of the weeds and realizing I was dreaming, I started floating down the river for fun. My control was shaky but my awareness deepened and I remembered that I was planning to be in the dream not with the perspective that it's not real, but instead that it's a story. Like you know a novel is not real, but you're engrossed in it and you want to know what will happen. So I said the mantra "This is a story" a few times while scanning the vivid and pleasant outdoors scenery. I also remembered I wanted to go to my mental temple and before getting there, I wanted to stabilize my body by "visualizing my luminous body". I already had a sense of my body prior to that thought but as I focused on that, the scenery disappeared and I could feel that I was carrying someone above my shoulders. My next step was to go to my mental temple, without the burden mind you, but no visuals manifested. Instead I woke up. Weirdly enough, I felt like visualizing weakened my dream instead of strengthening it. It felt like what was in front of me was so much more real than what I could hope to visualize. At the same time, I was really close to awakening as this happened between two alarms...
Do you visualize a luminous body in your dreams? Has it helped you stabilize your dreams?