I was actually wondering that myself...but I have less dream memory with my television on. Maybe it depends on the person. I would be interested to know what others thought. |
Does anyone notice a difference in their dreams based on what's going on in the environment around you? |
We break the
ceiling and grin and gasp
and redefine life
for the ones who
have merely lived it.
I was actually wondering that myself...but I have less dream memory with my television on. Maybe it depends on the person. I would be interested to know what others thought. |
The experiment is tainted because it was noticed and conducted by you. Im gonna go with placebo on this one. Especially with my feelings toward tv's and them being on while sleeping....I doubt that would help anyone. But ultimately, who cares what I think. Do whatever works for you....except its really bad for development to sleep around lights and constant tv noise. |
I'm in Chasing Mars, one of Chicago's best [link removed - ask for permision]indie rock bands[/url]! <------CLICK FOR FREE MUSIC
I have to have the light to navigate, and the TV volume is on mute while I'm sleeping. AND her crib is shielded from the light. |
We break the
ceiling and grin and gasp
and redefine life
for the ones who
have merely lived it.
When I leave my tv on, it is very common for me to have real-time dream sequences that match what is going on, on television. Many times I'll be hearing the dialogue for a good hour, having very vivid dreams, and wake up right into the middle of the dialogue on tv. |
Dream Journal: Dreamwalker Chronicles Latest Entry: 01/02/2016 - "Hallway to Haven" (Lucid)(Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)
With sound, it definately has an effect. I have had many dreams in the morning where I get my audio from the tv and my dream fills in the visual. |
I'm in Chasing Mars, one of Chicago's best [link removed - ask for permision]indie rock bands[/url]! <------CLICK FOR FREE MUSIC
Things that are bad for you that I still do: Drink coffee, tea, and soda. Eat bread. Spend 2 or 3 consecutive hours on the computer. Watch TV. man, I wonder how long this list would be if I actually continued it. |
We break the
ceiling and grin and gasp
and redefine life
for the ones who
have merely lived it.
Nice conclusion. It's like rituals and prayers. They have very positive mental effects, while thiers no physical evidence that explains how they help. As a matter of fact, I cant have a lucid dream unless I give an offering to my neighboors cat. But that's little different because he's Jesus incarnate....He told me so. |
I'm in Chasing Mars, one of Chicago's best [link removed - ask for permision]indie rock bands[/url]! <------CLICK FOR FREE MUSIC
Carbs are bad for you according to Atkins. |
We break the
ceiling and grin and gasp
and redefine life
for the ones who
have merely lived it.
I've always wondered whats the variables to vivid dreams. I guess leaving the TV on makes you sleep deeper and be in a deeper state of REM. |
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
I am being cared for by NirvanaStarseed.
Falling asleep may take longer for some people since your brain might concentrate on the sounds and different levels of light passing through your eye lids. I haven't slept with my tv on in a while. |