i was meditating before i went to bed, and i started to feel my body fall asleep. i had the feelign of spinning for about 20 mins. and i almost felt sick lol. but after that it stoped. and i started feeling tingling in my arms. once the tingling had stoped. i decided i would try to pretty much pull my as some would say i guess "my consiousness" out of my arm. like my consiousness has a body. well that was an extreme rush. i started to do it. or what it felt like doing it. and my heart beat went sky high. i was afraid i was gonna get a stroke. and then in front of my eyes i saw like white dots flyiing past me. like stars as if iw as in a space ship. this was a really scarey expierence. and i just had it like ten mins ago. just though id tell you all