First of all, what a shame that you haven't yet received any replies. |
I found this new forum and am thinking that we should create a list (like the LD experience checklist) of all the different applications of lucid dreaming. If you suggest some, I'll just edit them into the master list, creating a good list of uses for Lucid dreaming. Note that this isn't a list of specific activities (like jump off a cliff), but of generic ideas (like thrill-seeking without risking your life). <strike>To start off I am dividing the list into 2 categories, constructive (things with real-life applications) and non-constructive (things with no real life applications)</strike> I am screwing the non-constructive category, as for totally pointless stuff you can just use the LD experience checklist (though there are many fun things on this list that just aren't 100% pointless (though some are pretty close, they're just also interesting)) Within these, ideas will be put into more specific sub-categories. Please just give me any ideas you have, as I want to keep this list going. |
First of all, what a shame that you haven't yet received any replies. |
"A Purple Knight should definitely not have a fear of women. Many women would love to meet a Purple Knight."
All but the beginner can see the faults of the beginner; no one but the master can see the faults of the master.
my little two cents on the phisical skill list (just because i did it a few nigths ago): practice sexual performances. |
Monkey Is BACK!
Good Topic. |
Luminous Spacious Dream Masters That Holographically Communicate
among other teachers taught me
not to overestimate the Value of our Concrete Knowledge;"Common sense"/Rationality,
for doing so would make us Blind for the unimaginable, unparalleled Capacity of and Wisdom contained within our Felt Knowledge;Subconscious Intuition.
thanks a bunch guys. Keep more coming! |
The Ultimate Lucid Mp3 Thread Link
Mp3 track available here (02/2015):
Very good topic. To bad I'm not a skilled enough lucid dreamer to contribute |
need to actually start like trying to LD i've pretty much started that now kinda.
For Graphical Artists suffering from a a Creative Depression: A Lack of Inspiration. DREAMING and especially LUCID DREAMING is their Savior: |
Luminous Spacious Dream Masters That Holographically Communicate
among other teachers taught me
not to overestimate the Value of our Concrete Knowledge;"Common sense"/Rationality,
for doing so would make us Blind for the unimaginable, unparalleled Capacity of and Wisdom contained within our Felt Knowledge;Subconscious Intuition.
I have found it possible to induce dreams in foreign languages. Being a linguistics major this helps a great deal in language acquisition. I would note, that this is a very common side-effect when living in a foreign country (dreaming in a foreign language), as I had the same experience when I moved to the netherlands. I was there for approximately a week before this started to happen to me, and then poooof, my dreams started to happen in dutch... I beleive this helps with language aquisition, and is natural. |
Very interesting. Do you know of any studies that talk about dreaming and language acquisition? Is there anyone you could ask (without feeling embarrassed? not that I think you should be)? |
"A Purple Knight should definitely not have a fear of women. Many women would love to meet a Purple Knight."
All but the beginner can see the faults of the beginner; no one but the master can see the faults of the master.
Well, I will explain to you what I know and what my thoughts are on the situation. |
One more thing... I know about langauge acquisition,.... that might be of note... |
What are binuaral beats? You are a motivated language learner. That's one of the first requirements for learning a language well. |
"A Purple Knight should definitely not have a fear of women. Many women would love to meet a Purple Knight."
All but the beginner can see the faults of the beginner; no one but the master can see the faults of the master.
I don't mean to be a downer on this thread, but doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of this subforum? I mean the point of the subforum is to make topics to show the uses for LD'ing, but with this thread you could just post whatever you were going to say into here and be done. |
Well, not exactly. My idea with this thread is just to have a list of ideas for people to read, not a in-depth discussion on each and every idea, and if people want to discuss something in depth, they should start their own topic. This is just like a master list of ideas submitted, like the Lucid dreaming checklist (at least before the guy stopped updating it). |
Sorry, I got distracted.... and I hope some admin can break that off into another topic that would be wonderful. |
Different forms of logic... that's an interesting idea. What do you mean? |
"A Purple Knight should definitely not have a fear of women. Many women would love to meet a Purple Knight."
All but the beginner can see the faults of the beginner; no one but the master can see the faults of the master.
I mean like look into 5th dimentional space and maybe mess with the laws of geometry, make some really cool stuff that isn't of the nature you'd normally see. Also you could completely change the outcome of any action you do, like you take a bite from an apple and it gets larger. |
How about do all the bad stuff you want to do but try to avoid IRL? |
"A Purple Knight should definitely not have a fear of women. Many women would love to meet a Purple Knight."
All but the beginner can see the faults of the beginner; no one but the master can see the faults of the master.