Whenever I enter an LD, I always get this strange sensation of walking through water. Its a really weird sensation though. It feels like there is a pressure being exerted on me, but in non lucid dreams I never have that feeling (well unless they are false lucids). I never knew how exactly to describe the feeling before, but a couple of nights ago, I had a false lucid dream. Honestly, if I had been lucid, I probably could have counted it as a WILD. It felt like I went through a wall of water to enter the dream, and that sensation stayed throughout the entire dream. Then I realized that I had the same sensation in all of my LDs. Does anyone know why that is? Do any of you have similar sensations in dreams?

Also, I have one other question... When I had my FLD, I had more control in it than I have had in any of my LDs. Why is that?