I had a dream last night where I had some level of lucidity...I was in a parking garage on the second floor and I decided to close my eyes and 'manifest myself onto the first floor'. when i opened my eyes I was on the first floor. then I went into a building and I think I wanted to find a gun and go around killing DCs. then a DC I was talking to before enters and I say I've changed my mind, I want to do something more positive with this dream. around there I wake up. so you can see this dream had a lot of aspects of a lucid dream, but I didn't have that feeling of hyper-realism that I normally have in an LD, and I didn't do any flying which I always do in an LD. do you ever have a dream like this where it almost seems like you're dreaming about having a lucid dream but it's not quite a full-on lucid dream itself?