Just thought i'd post this amazing experience I had when I became lucid.

The story is, I was on a bus with my college group going to a trip, but i realised one of my friends who was going to 6th form was on this bus and I was like, that makes no sence, i reality checked and pushed my thumb through my own hand and was like OMG DREAM. The feeling was amazing, I stopped the bus got out and i tried to turn a flower into chocolate and eat it, that didnt work and it tasted like a flower, it was horrible, to get rid of the taste, I put my hoodie over my hand and imagined a mcflurry appearing underneith it, the hoodie changed shape and when i removed it, PRESTO a mcflurry. I used a spoon which also appeared from nowhere and took a spoonful of it, i tasted the creamy smooth taste of the ice-cream and chocolate chunks, I was overwhelmed how good dream food tastes.

Share your food experiences or gimmie some interesting stuff to read about dream food, thanks guys.