I'm planning on doing an special RC, which may be fail proof. I didn't test it yet, but I'll share it here for you to say if it's a good idea or if it's not.

It's going to be like this (Inseption-inspired): I'm going to print and plastify three flashcards with sterograms in them that I'll always carry in my pocket. My brain won't be able to lie to me, because the stereograms are almost indistinguishable one from another, here's how they look:






(sixth one didn't appear because of my upload limit)

The thing is: I'll never know at which stereogram I'll be looking at until I actually see the 3D image. Also, I'll never know if the image is upside-down or not. Now every time that I perform my RC, things will work like this:

  • I won't consider human fails here: if the cards aren't in my pocket, then I'll immediately conclude that I'm dreaming.
  • If I, by any reason, lose my cards before I can perform a RC, then I'll conclude that I'm dreaming.
  • In the dream world I don't actually have any eyes (the images that I "see" are created inside my brain), so I won't be able to see any stereograms inside a dream, because stereograms only work when the brain combines and processes the images seen by both of our eyes into a single one. Besides, the brain can't memorize the pattern of the points in the sterograms just like that. So if I can't see the stereogram, or if there's anything wrong/strange with the flashcard itself, then I'm dreaming.
  • If my brain tricks me, and I'm able to see the stereogram properly, then I'll check the other stereogram on the back of the flashcard, and I'll turn it upside-down before seeing it. If the image seen on the back of the flashcard doesn't belong to this flashcard and/or if it isn't upside-down, then I'm surely dreaming.
  • If I see that the first side of the flashcard is a correct stereogram, and if it is upside-down, chances are that I'm not dreaming, but I'll check every stereogram in the flashcards just to make sure.

The strategy is that if I deliberately conclude that I'm dreaming inside a dream, then my awareness will *click* and I'll become lucid.

So, what do you think about this reality check?