Had a very vivid LD two nights ago using the FILD technique. Literally went from falling asleep to an RC (passed nose pinch) in seconds and gained total lucidity. I managed to explore several different worlds, including dynamic flight and underwater breathing. Last night I tried to replicate what I had done the night before. I was able to get on the brink of sleep, and see the hypnogogic patterns emerge, but as soon as I saw them my conscious mind woke up out of excitement. I waited a bit and tried it again. Same result. It's almost as if the hypnogogic morphing suddenly trips a breaker in my conscious mind and causes everything to reset. Of course, only thinking about it at that point makes sleep impossible. So, instead of sailing the skies I found myself in a tedious, sleepless loop. Disappointed and tired this morning!

Has anyone else encountered this hurdle after a successful FILD? I know the technique works like a charm; perhaps that's why I can't get over the excitement as sleep envelops me. Knowing that falling sleep is the final curtain and that fantastic lucidity awaits on the other side, seconds away...is hard for me to disengage from in those final moments. Perhaps it wasn't difficult the first time because I was skeptical it would even work. So now it seems like a blessing and a curse! Help!