Wow! I know that you feel disappointed about the experiences that you missed out on but this sounds like a really big night for you! When we're going for lucids, there are two goals in mind: first, of course, is to have a hell of a lot of fun. But the second thing that we're doing is learning and practicing for the future. And it sounds like you did a ton of that last night.

Before anything else, we can't let this go by uncelebrated: you became lucid multiple times in one night, all before you even hit your WBTB! This is a huge accomplishment! The level of potential this hints at is incredibly exciting. I've only become lucid a handful of times pre-WBTB, and definitely never had multiple incidents of lucidity that early in the night. Good!!

Did you get any sense of what time you started hitting all of those lucids? This could be good to know for the future in planning your bedtime or WBTB time (if you use alarms for that...?)

The fact that you intentionally let these lucids go is really interesting. I've only let lucidity go a couple of times that I can remember, both out of fear. How would you describe your state of mind? Just mentally exhausted? Almost as if you were too sleepy to go on? I'll think about this problem some more and try to come up with a few ideas. It's an interesting situation.

Anyway, even though I know this wasn't the most fun night, you have learned a ton about yourself. The fact that you're capable of hitting multiple LDs in a night like that is crazy exciting! Last night was just one night. Now that you realize what you're capable of, think of what this means for the thousands and thousands of nights still ahead of you.