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    Thread: Womp's Workbook

    1. #1
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      Womp's Workbook

      What's up DV. Pretty sweet forum you've got here.

      I've been interested in LDs for but decided to get serious about it last month. I've been keeping a dream journal for about three weeks now, and I got my first lucid this past Thursday after reading about SSILD's in CanisLucidus's (excellent) dream journals.

      Now time to take this to the next level.

      Reality Checks:
      - Examine palms / count fingers
      - Nose pinch
      - Close one eye and look at nose
      - Remember recent past
      - Digital watch

      Dream Signs:
      - Parents / childhood home
      - School

      Short-Term Goals:
      - 1 LD weekly
      - 5 minute LD
      - Successful WILD

      Long-Term Goals:
      - 4 LDs weekly
      - 30 minute LDs
      - Solid control

      Lucid/Dream Recall History:
      - 1 SSILD this past Thursday. About 30 seconds - 1 minute of lucidity.
      In the dream I was distracted during a thrill ride and resolved to be more mindful. Shortly afterwards I realized I was dreaming. No RCs involved. I told a DC I was having a lucid dream ("I know!" she exclaimed), rubbed my hands to stabilize, and started singing "I can't believe this is finally happening" before... it faded out

      Current Technique:
      - 30 min meditation daily
      - frequent ADA periods / RCs
      - natural WBTB's followed by SSILD, or occasionally a WILD attempt
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    2. #2
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      I remembered a dream on my first wakeup today, but dozed off before journaling it and it was gone.

      I attempted SSILD after that, and started feeling some very strong floaty body sensations. I decided to try to go for WILD and tried to feel my dream body move out of my sleeping body. But perhaps I tried too early, or focused too hard, because the sensations faded and I found myself unable to sleep for some time. I did many more SSILD cycles, but my mind kept wandering.

      Eventually I woke up to journal a brief NLD about anteater fighting in gym class. I attempted SSILD again and was under the impression I was still trying when my alarm went off an hour later.
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    3. #3
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      I journaled three dreams today, including an LD!

      I woke up around 5 hours after sleeping, had two menthol candies, and attempted to WILD. I experienced a couple of dreamlets but after waiting what seemed like a long time no dreams emerged. I got frustrated and rolled over -- I wasn't completely paralyzed, but my body did feel a little hard to move. After that I tried some SSILD cycles and drifted off eventually.

      I had a very long dream which ended with me getting shot. As everything faded to black, I thought with some irritation that I hoped the next dream would be better. That was enough to turn me lucid. (Was this an SSILD or a DEILD? Hard to say...)

      My lucidity level and control were quite poor. I found myself in a supermarket. I immediately screamed "I'm lucid" and ran down an aisle, slapping a 12 year old kid in the back of the head. Then I quickly slowed down, as I knew getting excited would kill my lucidity. I tried to stabilize by examining my hands. They were a mess. One had only three fingers, the other had fingers popping in and out. I tried to get them to look normal by staring at them, but they wouldn't, and soon the dream started fading.

      I then either remained in the dream, but in the void, or attempted a DEILD. Either way, I got out of the void by spinning rapidly and found myself in my childhood kitchen, the scene of the beginning of my long dream. In the dream, I thought it was an FA -- I was like, "this makes sense, as I tried to WILD from here." I tried to stabilize by examining my hands again, and they were better, but I couldn't get them to look normal. I was impatient to continue, or perhaps I thought it was hopeless, but at any rate I saw a statue out of the corner of my eye and decided to throw it through a window. I did the nose pinch RC first to make sure I was dreaming. I was. I started to head for the statue but then woke up.

      I attempted another DEILD but realized that I had been moving my legs in real life, not just in the dream. I tried to lie still but it was too late.

      Overall, pretty decent night, although this last lucid was even briefer and less interesting than my first, which is a little discouraging. Could I have done anything differently, or is it just a matter of experience?
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      A bunch of fragments today, some quite long, but no LDs. I meant to attempt FILD for the first time but wanted to wait until I was very tired after WBTB. Then I just kept falling asleep

    5. #5
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      Hey Womp, welcome to Intro class!

      Congrats on your recent lds. So is this your second lucid night so far? I think you did pretty well there - and possibly deilded on top of that! I have to say I sometimes can't tell if I chain the dreams while asleep or almost wake up and deild from there, due to falling asleep later on or dream length.

      Do you have some dream goals in mind for your next ld? We have montly tasks you can try in lds and get wings for them.

      Tasks of the Month & Year

      Best of luck with future attempts and let me know if you have any questions.
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    6. #6
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      Hey NyxCC, thanks for the welcome

      i want to tackle this month's basic task (ii) in my next LD. I visualize eating a krispy kreme cheeseburger with fries, an IPA, and a chocolate milkshake every time I go to sleep. Hard to imagine being more motivated than that.

      Today I missed a lot of DEILD/FILD chances again -- I remember being semi-awake, vaguely remembering dreams, and then going back to sleep without logging them or attempting an LD. Gotta work on that.

      I logged two NLDs. In the second one, post WBTB and two menthol candies, I was in my childhood home and my dad was repeatedly drawing what I thought was a mystical symbol for "awareness." Then he showed me a book I thought was about lucid dreaming. Thank you, subconscious. You are the best and maybe one day I will be worthy of you.
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    7. #7
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      Big night.

      - I think I got close to a WILD. I was attempting SSILD when I started to hear a very deep, vibrating sound in my head. Later I heard a lot of distinct "pops" that were sort of unsettling. I think I aborted this attempt, but later (or maybe earlier?) in the night I remember the following scene: I'm not dreaming, and my field of vision is black. Suddenly I start thinking of a scene involving blacktop, or maybe a beach, and it starts materializing in front of my eyes. I'm excited but try not to get too excited, and I repeat "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming" so as not to lose it. It starts looking very realistic, but is still just a 2D surface, not a scene. However, I try to "dive in" anyway, and it starts to fade. I try to build up the scene in my mind again but it's too late.

      - Very short DILD (which feels a tiny bit like a dream of a lucid dream, but I think was real) in which I tried and failed to stabilize before looking for a cheeseburger and then blanking out. Still, it's something

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      Great progress! Next time take a bite as an act of stabilizing. Oh, dream food .

      Have you listened to this podcast?


    9. #9
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      Nice work, womp, congratulations on the progress! That first lucid is such an awesome feeling. I'm really happy for you!

      You know, it's been too long since I took SSILD for a spin. I've been so focused on MILD lately that I just haven't given it a good shot in a while. You've inspired me to spend a few nights getting back to SSILD again, maybe experience some more of those ultra-realistic, confusing false awakenings.

      Keep up the great work! This is just the beginning for you! I'm excited to see where you take things from here.
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      After a couple days of a nasty stomach bug and negligible recall, had another brief DILD and experienced SP for the first time!

      Again, lucidity lasted for only a few seconds in both fragments. I guess I'm still getting too excited.

      Quote Originally Posted by NyxCC View Post
      Great progress! Next time take a bite as an act of stabilizing.
      Tried it! But my will was weak and the chair vaporized before I got there. Next time, next time... I also really want to remember to ask out loud for stability.

      Quote Originally Posted by CanisLucidus View Post
      Nice work, womp, congratulations on the progress! That first lucid is such an awesome feeling. I'm really happy for you!

      You know, it's been too long since I took SSILD for a spin. I've been so focused on MILD lately that I just haven't given it a good shot in a while. You've inspired me to spend a few nights getting back to SSILD again, maybe experience some more of those ultra-realistic, confusing false awakenings.

      Keep up the great work! This is just the beginning for you! I'm excited to see where you take things from here.
      Thanks, Canis.

      Any reason for the switch away from SSILD in the first place? I'm a little skeptical about autosuggestion, but I guess the evidence disagrees...
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    11. #11
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      You actually did a pretty good job there! And experiencing the void and getting through to another dream the first time. About the SP thing we have to remember that there are only scary effects if we expect them to be.
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    12. #12
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      Best dream control so far last night!

      REM rebound + SSILD + WBTB + FILD + menthol

      As usual, my attempts at stabilization (by looking at my hand) only made things less stable, but this time I gave up before the dream collapsed. I'm wondering if I'm stabilizing wrong. Perhaps I'm focusing too hard and getting pulled out of the dream?

      Next time I really want to remember to verbally ask for stability, and perhaps I'll try a less intense stabilization ritual.
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      Congrats! I had a great night to! I fought stabilization during my whole dream, but I decided to try clapping my hands instead of focusing on them and it worked wonders.
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    14. #14
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      You're doing great, womp! Keep up the good work.

      Stable dreams will become easier with time, but for now try not thinking too much of it as stabilization. Just focus on enjoying the detail of the scene, the feel of your hands rubbing together, and all of the amazing detail that your mind can create.

      Incidentally, I personally like hand rubbing while visually inspecting the scene. Again, I don't view it as stabilization so much as getting as much vividness as I possibly can. The hand-clapping suggestion from dreamingaze sounds good, too, I'll have to try it!

      A fun goal is to investigate just how much vivid detail your mind can produce, remember what you see, and report back! I did this early on and it was very educational. I think you'll be very impressed at what you're capable of!

      BTW, nice set of techs, plus menthol... cool! Congrats especially on the FILD, which I've never done myself!

      Edit: You asked about the switch from SSILD. The main reason I explored other techniques is that I didn't know how to improve on SSILD once I got "pretty good" at having LDs from it. And I wanted to broaden my toolbox a bit with fundamental techs like MILD. I continue to believe that it is a very solid tech in spite of the fact that we're still guessing as to exactly why it works!
      Last edited by CanisLucidus; 07-27-2014 at 09:04 PM.
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      Great ld, congrats Womp! Loved the krispy kreme summon!

      Great tips from Canis about stabilization. Let me add that I also sometimes skip stabilizing altogether or improvise on the spot depending on how I feel about the dream. If it is an ld that starts right away, I would wait a bit as to confirm that have transitioned (idleness may be risky for beginners so feel free to disregard this step in relation to stabilization) and then I engage by waiving hands around and touching objects to get some tactile sensations and feel properly grounded in the dream. At other times if I feel like it, I would just go about whatever goal I had in mind so wouldn't worry about stabilizing at all. Also, I like to run around/walk fast and this gives me a sense of stability in times of need.
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      First RC-initiated DILD last night. Things seemed weird and then I couldn't count my fingers .

      As soon as I attained lucidity, I felt this kind of whooshing sensation and everything got less vivid. I think it's just because of excitement, so hopefully it will stop happening with time. Anyone else have experience with this?
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      Congrats Womp! I have to say, every time I read you entries, I begin salivating, especially when I see that you are heading for the fridge.
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      Weird night last night. I ended up attempting SSILD for an hour after my WBTB without being able to fall asleep. Read a book for a while, then eventually somehow drifted off. After that I attained lucidity at least twice, waking up immediately each time. I also experienced SP twice, and attempted FILD, but both times I somehow drifted off without getting lucid. Gotta brush up on my techniques...
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      Finally ate that burger!

      Ended up a a little weak, but hey, I'm not a chef IWL either.

      All the stabilization tips I've gotten here about just trying to notice the sensory aspects of the scene really helped.

      Anyone have a suggestion for my next goal? Perhaps I'll try the "ask a DC for a word in a foreign language" TOTM, but that one feels pretty basic. Robbing a bank with a banana, on the other hand, sounds like it could be a bit out of my grasp at the moment.
      Last edited by womp; 08-06-2014 at 11:01 AM.
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    20. #20
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      TOTM attempt and first time flying yesterday morning.

      Standard WBTB + SSILD, although I meditated after the SSILD to fall asleep. No menthol this time. I think I also got pretty close to a WILD -- a dreamlet got very realistic, but I tried to step into it a bit too soon and woke up.

      I've decided to make my goal asking for greater lucidity out loud. My secondary goal is getting down the word-in-a-foreign-language TOTM.
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      Congrats on the successes! So burger and chocolate, this is awesome! I noticed you are closing your eyes when trying to visualize, you don't need to do this, unless it's exactly how you want to do it.

      I have changed and keep switching different methods for summoning, but one thing that I have discovered is that it is thinking strongly, i.e. the focus on a particular thing that brings it into the dream. So, quite often I would have an initial strong thought about the object and then I would look around expecting that it has already manifested. Another trick would be to ask a DC to give you the object, but be sure to think about the kind of object so it isn't just some random object. You can play around with different techniques, discover new ones, see which work best for you. Remember (and be convinced) that you actually summon anything anywhere.

      Best of luck with the new goals!
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      Made an attempt at robbing a bank with a banana last night.

      No dice but I did jump out of a window for the first time.

      These are definitely getting more interesting.
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      Congrats! You are becoming quite consistent with the induction!

      Brave act, I usually try all sorts of ways around jumping - climbing down, sticky fingers, sliding down, stretching hands, or using all sorts of nearby objects in weird and not so weird ways.

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      Hi I just wanted to ask how often do you lucid dream?

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      Hey Superdremer, who are you referring to in your question? I get around 20/month.

      This is womp's workbook, so I don't want us to highjack it, perhaps you could start your own workbook where you can track your progress and we can discuss induction techs more in depth.

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