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    1. Mini lucid rant, snakes, eagles, penguins

      by , 07-07-2019 at 10:17 PM
      6 July

      Comp day 1
      # 1 Lucid rant

      I wake around 6, go to the toilet and am already disappointed with myself that am not doing enough for lucidity and dream recall to kick start the race. I feel very tired and can't remember any dreams, just want to go to bed.

      A feel mins later rem starts and I find myself surrounded by a number of DCs. I start a rant that I was supposed to get lucid. The more I talk and look around the more vivid and spacey the scene becomes until I happily realize this is a dream. There is some interaction that I try to undertake with my sleeping body, though I can't quite recall what (like trying double perception).

      The lucidity gradually slips into a non-ld. The last thing I recall is a non-lucid portion where a man that's doing some sort of astral travel gets into cold water and begins to disappear.


      Sister serpents (NLD1)
      In a dream apartment where we supposedly live. There are several dark bronze busts of politicians from different countries. In the nearby room. Initially a story about a guy that had issues with his head. I see him as a baby, he is is two rods that were improperly manipulated when he was very young. The two rods are now in a container, the lid is put on and there is a metallic sound. This must be when the damage was done. I untie the lid to check him, but the two rods look ok, finely situated among the rest of the material.

      The two rods are now baby serpents and I decide to bring them up, throwing them in an indoors garden in the main room. The first one starts growing fast, eating toys and everything in its way until his mouth is full of plastics. I grab him/her and try to get them out one by one, while it's oozing green slime on the furniture (too much detail but good recall , that I promise will change later. The last item it has swallowed are my headphones, which I am not sure I will be able to use again. I get them out and throw the first snake out of the window, hoping it won't be able to return.

      In the meantime, the other snake has grown into a young adult human woman. She has shoulder length blonde hair. Luckily, she is registered at our address as a relative and will have no problems later in life with any ids.

      Furniture (frag1)
      In someone's place, I notice the furniture looks a lot like that from my childhood and try to find out if it's possible to still buy it. A brand name that's difficult to read appears written somewhere, which is how I am able to track the furniture and discover the manufacturer.

      Haircut (frag2)

      Looking at a pile cut hair with different colors

      07 July

      Nld1: Waiting for a colleague
      At some sort of event, i am supposed to wait for a colleague, but get tired of waiting and decide to head to the station. I message her multiple times and hope she is on her way. There are trains every min or so but it's full of people. We are supposed to take the train then go to this other place.

      Nld2: Dad and the eagles
      On street that looks structurally like the bora hometown dreamversion. I visit dad who is behind on the cashier and he works hard to write a card with best wishes for me. At the entrance of the shop are two eagles that kind of block the way. They look around as if hungry and once they notice there's a bag full of food in front of them, one of them tears with his beak into a strawberry yogurt.


      Frag1: With son in the car
      It's the three of us in the car and what looks like a four old son. I examine his features and hair color trying to assess how he's turned up. (No son irl)

      Nld3: The run
      Sitting at a table with a number of people, who show certain calculations that copy incorrectly. A question is asked about a drawing of an old politician, which I want to enhance to make a joke. However, they draw him on my cheek instead, so I decide to leave the table. Initially, I just stay on the next seat as I just had been to the toilet, but decide to leave. At some point pass by a few artefact jewels that are kept in glass cell. I think I definitely need more locks there. Seems I have a collection of these weird objects, some quite glittery.

      As I continue as far away from the event, I decide to run in the opposite direction of the school yard. In the yard are a number of huge creatures that look like brown baby penguins. Most can't do anything but explore the ground, however, a few look quite menacing and there seem to appear more of them too! (yes, since you unconsciously summoned them!). I decide it's time to get away from here. In the meantime, I run into S who's hanging from a tree with a backpack.

      A number of people we know continue on the track to the backyard of the school. I carry a bottle of orange juice which helps me accelerate. After a bit of running, I can't seem to keep up any more running and decide to walk a bit to gather energy (how do you get tired in a dream?). The accompanying DCs decide to take a shortcut, and I recall another shortcut to take (this is a familiar place from prior dreams). I pass a medium sized office building. There is a delivery of FT wrapped in plastic and I contemplate about taking one, but decide against it since it's pp. On the way down the shortcut street are also a number of new editions of the economist - the world in 2050, laying on a trash can. I decide to take the 2050 since I haven't seen it before and continue on my way.


      frag2: bus ride - in a bus, while trying to express an opinion show them the fingers, but then feel guilty this might be misinterpreted by the camera as anti social behavior (BB is watching!)

      Frag3: an item can't recall now has a hole in it but we still need to use it so I suggest we put tape on it.

      Updated 07-07-2019 at 10:30 PM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Red & Black

      by , 04-25-2019 at 08:50 PM
      22 Apr 2019

      I appear in a dream scene which is just building around me. My awareness is high and as if I am really ready for this. (I have been thinking about having an ld but not much other induction that night, although I did check the task of month in order to have a purpose in case a lucid happens).

      As I look around the shaky environment, I recall the Red & Black clothes task for this month. There is a female DC with whatever original clothes she was wearing. I change them to red, then to black. One's a T-shirt with something in white written on it, the other more like a robe. I realize I can't recall whether we had to change from red to black or vise versa, so I change the color of her clothes multiple times just to be on the safe side. I make a note that this color change wasn't as difficult as I had for some reason expected.

      End of memory
    3. 29 Mar Street

      by , 03-30-2018 at 10:24 PM
      Fragmented sleep with lots of wakes in hrs prior to final wake

      The dream begins in a version of our current home, FA style. I wake up and look out the window seeing the new day begin. Some unusual transportation already on the move.

      Couple of moments later, I find myself walking down the street with much higher awareness. I decide to act out this moment as if it were real life, creating a continuous stream of awareness from the dream to waking and the actual walking on the street much later. I look around, soak in as many details, also looking at DCs passing by. A woman with a red leather jacket stands out. My bf's DC is also accompanying me. We continue our walk down the street to cross when some cars speed towards us. I feel like I need to quickly jump ahead to avoid the impact. The motion seems to destabilize the dream or it could just be the fragmented sleep and the dream soon fades.

      After waking up, I initially forget my dream idea to hold that awareness on my way to work, but recall it later on. As I go out, it's a beautiful cold sunny morning and I take in all the little details around me. With this state of mindfulness, it feels the same way it did when I had the lucid dream walking down the street.
      lucid , dream fragment
    4. 24 Mar 2018 Mini lds

      by , 03-25-2018 at 08:20 PM
      I find myself in a room full of DCs and suddenly awareness increases to lucidity. I recall my thoughts from the previous night to try to score more points from the competition. There's a particularly distracting DC in front of me and I weight in the options of going for dream control vs kissing. I decide to go for the latter, explaining to myself I can do dream control a bit later. There are around 8 DCs surrounding us and I begin to feel uncomfortable.

      Not sure what happens, whether a dream end or possibly loss of lucidity. It seems like a little black out but I return to pretty much the same scene, aware again. End of memory. Awake. Back to sleep.

      Another dream episode where I become lucid again, different indoors place, I don't look around too much. Once again a lone DC catches my attention, though this time not as distracting. I have the feeling my memory of the previous dreams is becoming blurred as I didn't write anything down.

      I take time to focus on the DC and save the memory of the previous and current dreams to this moment. I raise my fingers to count three lucid moments for the night.
      The dream ends sometime soon and I do a brief mental review prior to going back to sleep.
    5. Reflections

      by , 01-28-2018 at 10:12 PM
      Jan 23

      I find myself in my childhood school yard with high awareness. The scene is quite dark, but I nevertheless take the time to inspect in detail all of the dream characters that surround me. While some of them look quite ugly or even menacing, I live out the realization that all these people are just a reflection of my mind, they are all me. I spend some time happily shouting this and engaging the DCs.

      A bit later, I recall I was planning to do the task of the month (basic ii). A wave of urgency hits me as I remember the month is drawing to end, and also the dream may be over quite soon too. As I walk down the street, I follow the plan in case I found myself outdoors, to look for a mirror on a nearby car.

      The dream scene is quite dark, but I am still able to locate a car and move closer to examine my reflection. The image looks a bit smaller than it would in real life, so I lean even closer. I don't look quite like myself initially. The effect seems more like a dream quality issue - the image is quite distorted, although, as the mirror is slightly curved, one would actually expect it to be.

      After gazing into the reflection for a while, it starts to resemble me more. My hair is a bit wavy though. Overall, the dream reflection is quite happy. I finally get to the task of making my hair longer, although this proves more challenging than expected. I try to will my hair to become longer, but dream control's not quite working. I then decide to take things into my own hands, literally, and gently pull my hair down to stretch it. This seems to do the trick and it increases in length. I enjoy the completion of the task for a brief moment, waking up shortly afterwards.
    6. Potion of forbidden knowledge

      by , 12-28-2017 at 09:38 PM
      28 Dec

      My awareness spikes in the middle of the dream, making me pay more attention to the surroundings. I am certain this is a dream and happy about it.

      It takes a bit to recall my totm intentions and in the meantime I decide to improvize and go bananas with dream control. I start a massive onslaught on the dream environment, initially tking all sorts of objects in sight and later doing impromptu room modifications. It seems to come quite naturally although I am not too sure what precisely am I trying to accomplish. The technique is look straight ahead and modify with thoughts the door and everything behind it, and once changed, bring it back to its original version. <possibly subconsciously trying to integrate a version of the portal from Dr Strange>

      Once I have calmed down a bit, I finally recall I wanted to do task of the month. There was a familiar DC running around so I ask him to bring to me the potion of forbidden knowledge. He gives me a light blue medieval type of bottle and I drink the small amount of liquid it contains. Nothing happens for a while, which leaves me slightly disappointed as I was preparing for some sort of false memory revelation to take place.

      I still feel quite euphoric being in the dream and I recall how you can actually use dreams to improve yourself, including physically <quote below>. At this stage I am very enthusiastic and totally determined to use the dream to influence my appearances and get more muscular. Quite conveniently a mirror appears right ahead, so I look at myself as I try to flex my stomach muscles. As if this isn't enough to get me in good shape, I decide to do some crunches and get on the floor.

      I also imagine myself doing crunches every time I have a lucid dream, as a part of a new fitness routine. I do around 10 crunches with great ease. The movements are really light and pleasant, but this seems to exhaust my concentration and the dream soon ends.

      Quote Originally Posted by Harvard Business Review

      If I dream about doing crunches, will I develop killer abs?

      Yes and no: You won’t really get a six-pack just by dreaming, but research shows that envisioning yourself doing exercises can make specific muscles stronger, so you should get a stronger belly than if you didn’t dream about crunches. In general, if you want to improve in waking life, dreams are the perfect place to do it. 
    7. Space Home

      by , 09-10-2017 at 07:37 PM
      7 Sept

      Quite vivid last period REM, with me following the storyline actively in both non-lucid and lucid portions, which probably were 50/50. That resulted in more info that I could consciously absorb and later recall. To make things worse, I only wrote down key words. Nevertheless, it still makes good lucid practice and experience.

      The non-lucid portion includes me watching a version of our first home, but from a new floating space home. We now live in this space home, which isn't really a space station, but more of a floating home, yet highly technological and much closer to the ground. There's a few issues with gravity and balancing the whole thing. I move down different floors, encounter witches that sell herbal remedies along the way.

      The dream is constantly transitioning as we end up on ground, exploring ever changing cities and stores. I run into a special girl from Brazil, with whom I seem to have important things to discuss.

      The whole REM seems to be with an elevated awareness but after this portion, I cross over the edge to full lucidity. I spend quite a bit of the time observing all possible items, walking around, trying to stabilize as things eventually begin slipping away, becoming overloaded with details to remember.

      At some point in time, I recall to try to score a few points for the competition, so I make all DCs around euphorically sing a Metallica song. The performance lasts a while. Another DC appears to the side making comments about this. After that, I continue walking around staring at different objects, thinking that I've already forgotten a lot of details.
    8. Khakis

      by , 09-06-2017 at 08:36 PM
      The final 15? mins of sleep I experience multiple falling asleep/waking moments which lead to fragmented dreams and a brief moment of lucidity.I find myself in a dimmed room, with not very pleasant brown greenish hue and examine a picture with the same color. It feels as if the dream hasn't fully formed which is probably the case from the constant short wake asleep episodes prior to that.

      A DC runs around trying to engage me, but I only examine him and then try to project the same image of him on the picture I just found. I flip it around and try to see if it's the same DC, but it is a different one. I examine his clothes and try to memorize them (brown khakis). I spend way too much pondering whether khakis can be any other color than brown and remark how poor my dream memory can sometimes be.

      I hear the voice of my boyfriend supposedly from real life telling me that I have overslept and will be late.
      I wake up to find that there are 5 mins left to the alarm.

      Updated 09-06-2017 at 08:56 PM by 61764

      Tags: khakis, picture, voice
    9. The Book of Secrets

      by , 02-27-2017 at 09:13 PM
      27 Feb

      I'm in a room with lots of DCs. Some of them are leaving for an event. There are different kinds of chocolate boxes at a nearby counter. The DCs go to get chocolate, leaving a bit of a mess. I take couple of chocolates as well and consume them slowly. There's a particular idleness in my mind. I recall I was trying to fall asleep. Something tells me I can already act as if in the dream. I look around - indeed it's a dream. In still somewhat clouded awareness I recall about totm.

      This is now incorporated in the dream - there's a room where people do the current totm. It then changes to totm suggestions written on the door. Spellbee has suggested that we do programming def functions which appear on the door.

      My awareness increases and I now have greater clarity. I decide to leave this place and look for a window or door. I opt for the nearest door though a bit afraid I may end up in a labyrinth inside a building rather than outdoors. There's an unappealing old corridor with worn out walls. Luckily, after I reach its end is another door leading outside.

      I'm now walking near a wall, wondering what will be on the other side once I glance at it. A couple of blocks like those in my hometown appear. I stop to contemplate briefly on this entire process. How and why did these blocks appear, from all the possible items and images that could have been assembled. Did I think them up? Why precisely these objects and not something else. I stare in the distance ahead, thinking that I am not seeing images. What I am seeing are endless possibilities of what could be there.

      After the feeling of amazement has subsided a bit, I decide to get back to the totms. I am now on top of the wall and think about summoning the book of secrets from the basic task. To do so, I cover the top of the surface with my palm, moving it slowly to reveal the book behind. A red leather book promptly appears underneath with to my suprise the title Book of Secrets. It has relatively few pages and they are all leather. On the first browse there's a list of words with positive qualities or goals. One of the words is "innocent". I try to memorize two more words but forget them after wake. The entire book has a rather medieval appearance. The rest of the pages contain portraits of figures of importance like cardinals or archdukes. I browse one last time to find pictures of weird experiments that were done at the time. Some sort of medieval type of scientific research.

      Memory gap. There were several moments of the dream thinning out and me back to bed and back to dream, ruining coherent recall.

      The next scene I remember, I am still lucid and inside a room talking to a DC. I want to continue with totms and the task I recall next is the advanced one to change the weather. I confidently ask the DC for help - "There's something you can help me with. I know you can do this!" We are near a window and I can see the outside ground. It's not too evident which season it is - just bare ground, but I need it to be definitely winter.

      I turn my back so that I don't see the outside world but face the DC. She is looking outside and waves her hands around as if she is painting the snow. I then turn around and look again - now everything is covered with snow! Alright, now we need for spring or summer to come. I turn myself around and let the DC do her magic again. I look back and the snow-covered ground is now green grass. There's a weird bird resembling a toucan but much larger walking on the grass. Its beak is very unusual - a shiny green color. A closer look reveals that its beak is actually a purely reflective mirror-like surface and the green is just the grass being mirrored. Now there are several of these birds with shiny green beaks, black feathers with strangely warped structures. I am amazed at the kinds of stuff dreams can come up with.

      I take one last look at the weather transformation - despite the season change, it's still a bit dark and cloudy. To let the sunshine in, decide to get rid of the clouds. First, I stretch my arm and literally pick a few clouds from the sky as if they were nearby objects. Moreover, I get the sudden desire to try to blow the rest of the clouds away. I do it and it actually works! Now the scene is much brighter.

      The dream soon thins out and I feel my body once again. I fall asleep almost immediately and end up in another room. I feel this dream idleness which makes me realize I am still dreaming. I come up with a funny song and start dancing around while DCs stare at me.
      Pretty fast this time, the dream disappears, I feel my body once again and wake up.

      Updated 02-27-2017 at 09:20 PM by 61764

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month
    10. Headstand

      by , 01-25-2017 at 10:18 PM
      25 Jan


      I am falling asleep in a sort of FA. I am now sure that if nothing else works to induce a lucid, it will help me become lucid if I write it down on a piece of paper. light sleep.

      I am now deeper in the dream and ascertain that my paper writing induction albeit done in-dream is indeed effective. I'm fully aware staring at the sheet of paper with the words LUCID written. My grandma comes in the room and starts cleaning the table, asking me a million questions. I know it's a dream and there's no point answering, so I tell her to let me concentrate. She refuses to acknowledge it being a dream and keeps on asking me stuff, so I have to move to the side to avoid being distracted.

      I tk a number of small household objects, then tk the door handle and finally the door to the balcony open. I go outside, thinking that I have no idea what to do for points and regretting not making a more comprehensive list of things. The sky is mostly sunny, so I decide to darken it, although it pains me a bit to ruin a beautiful sunny day. The result is a greyer sky but not completely overcast. I also make a thunder sound in the distance.

      Not sure what to do next, I opt for using some weird machine part help me get down from the balcony to the ground (as opposed to jump/flight due stability). There are couple of DCs being rather loud near the corner so I go check what's happening. Nothing too unusual, just a family walking and laughing.

      I recall now I wanted to do the headstand challenge and look towards the street. At the moment the street's empty, but the cars are about to soon reach my target section, coming from the nearby street. Nevertheless, doing the headstand in the middle of the street seems tremendously appealing. I briefly wonder what's gonna happen once the cars start coming, but decide that I can handle it. Actually, the way I start doing the headstand is with my back to the cars - that in a way solves the problem (no seeing, no thinking, therefore they don't exist). Two DCs come distract me as I do the headstand. I scold one of them and tell him to assist me instead and help get my legs straight pointing towards the sky. I had reservations about being upside down in this posture and the dream collapsing but it doesn't. I stay a bit more, then get up.

      We continue to walk down the street with one of the DCs. At this stage I already feel "memory flood" and inability to save/recall some of the details of the dream. At any rate, quite happy this dream already lasted longer than expected and keeps on going. I look over one of the buildings and see the sun shining again, now it seems closer to sunset. I really like how the sun moved like that during the dream, giving quite of a realistic feel of time. The sunset may in addition mean that the dream is coming to an end, I think.

      I recall the basic totm of finding a present under the Christmas tree. A while ago we passed by a nice Asian food shop and lots of other items on a long street I can't recall. I decide to go back in that direction, since I feel it will be much easier to find a tree there. Indeed, in front of one cafe is a large decorated Christmas tree. To summon the present, I say to the DC, I clearly recall they were exchanging gifts in the cafeteria and and am sure they forgot one. I stretch my hand and without looking feel a package right underneath the tree. It contains what looks like empty jewellery carton box and a card. I become very curious and want to read the card although I feel the concentration may have a negative effect on the dream. I try to read the handwriting, which changes from well wishes, to random fortunes, to advertising. Finally, there is a small sheet of stickers for a board game.

      The nearby Asian shop looked quite attractive, so I decide to go back and try some foods. In a small fridge they had really cool drinks made from fruits that don't quite exist and also are processed in extraordinary ways. Me and this DC whose apperances keep changing grab a small chocolate bar each. It melts easily and tastes really sweet.
      As we get out of the shop, I begin to lose lucidity. The DC now turns to boyfriend and we get into a discussion. The desire to get more of the cool drinks overcomes me and my awareness increases again, although not as high as before. To summon drinks, I call one of the girls who was working in the store, going a bit back to where we were before. Sure enough, the store appears, now at a completely different place and a different store, but that doesn't matter, it still looks pretty fancy and serves drinks. The girl that works there comes with a bottle full of freshly made exotic drink and a small glass of red juice. She spills the glass, but I am still able to have a try from what's left. It tastes quite nice. I wake up.
    11. Time masters

      by , 01-23-2017 at 09:20 PM
      21 Jan

      At an unknown outdoors location, after something has gone slightly wrong. I am sitting on a bench/couch, when this weird DC joins me. I tk a door closed to demonstrate my powers. The DC talks extensively, mentions a number of sci-fi books that merit reading. A lot of things in these books are true, he says. He's a representative of an ancient alien humanoid looking race that used to inhabit the solar system a long time ago.

      As he speaks, we find ourselves flying in space among planets. He explains that in the past all planets were inhabited by his people. I feel amazed at this statement. We now fly by the moon and I see it covered with cities and buildings under construction. He pauses for a moment, thinking that I am not interested or don't understand. Please, go ahead with the story, I want to learn more, I say.

      He then tells me, they also used to control time. They could see the future, and then would try to change it by making it come true. I am confused, but he emphasizes this point, when they want to avoid an outcome they actually make it happen. I see a visualization of planets and civilizations as he speaks, but I still don't understand.
    12. Huge tire, subliminal dream signs

      by , 01-21-2017 at 12:49 AM
      20 Jan

      I find myself on the street with a decent amount of awareness. Hey, finally, I note to myself, I am actually asleep and lucid. I cautiously examine the trash cans and trees in front of me. I know there is no time to lose and I have to get the 3 step tasks going. Step one is telekinesis. I look around for a movable object. There a tire hanging from one tree but it as I try to TK it, it gets larger and larger and actually is now part of a construction and totally unmovable. Okay, let's try something else. I spot couple of leaves on the street which easily move but I am not convinced as it could be the wind. Finally, there's a ball that I tk around for a while.

      It's a bright sunny day and am in the middle of a small park. I recall I had another brief ld earlier in the night. It's time to get started on the next step of the 3 step task - use a device. Couple of DC boys hold what looks like a mobile, but I find it easier to use mine. I put my hand into my pocket trying to get the phone out. As I do this, I feel my physical eyes move excessively, which make the dream collapse. I believe I am back to my bed and give up (actually it's just the void with only tactile sensations).

      I have a short FA near a cool pool on a very sunny day and the music is playing "bai zi hua bai zi hua", one of my other goals. I walk around non-lucidly though and soon wake up.
    13. Dragons, sharks, talking trees, and Captain Morgain

      by , 01-21-2017 at 12:39 AM
      19 Jan

      As me and this guy are leaving, he constantly worries about there being sharks in the ocean. I try to calm him down, looking for logical explanation why there may not be as many sharks as he expects. We have to slide down a platform to exit the building, however, it is covered with blood and also quite slippery. I take forever to get down without falling.

      We are close to the exit, ocean shore nearby, as I can see that the sharks we were trying to avoid are actually dragons. I quite clearly see a number of dragons in the surrounding wood areas and know we have to stay as far away as possible. We choose a rather painful way to do so, hiding and moving in a part of the shelf which stretches to accommodate us. I inspect the shore for dragons but see special trees (3 of them) instead (with faces and talking, like in lord of the rings). I carefully approach one, expressing my admiration, he speaks and says he likes me too. I ask for guidance for our group and he recommends us to go speak to Captain Morgan, who is a nearby pirate woman . I try to catch her attention and ask her to help us on our mission, though I am not so sure what we were supposed to accomplish.
    14. Flying in the cold

      by , 01-15-2017 at 10:32 PM
      15 Jan

      WBTB, reviewed goals, recall prior to that quite poor. Late dinner is not a good idea.

      I'm at a non-existent apartment with bf. We are getting ready to go to bed on time when his friends come and stay for a while, making it impossible to do so. I am upset, smash a potato on the floor and then decide to leave - go to my old place to sleep.

      As I go out on the streets my awareness increases and I realize that I'm dreaming. My thinking is still clouded. I recall I forgot the keys in the previous place, but conclude there is no need to worry about that because I can just summon them. I try to take off flying with some initial difficulty launching. I briefly contemplate that I have been using this sort of flying in my dreams lately - slightly pushing towards the ground, something like a jump launch and then superman style.

      I am quickly gaining altitude, trying to orient myself above what I consider to be my home town. The scenery changes with lots of unknown streets and gets extremely cold. I feel the cold is hampering me from flying properly, the snow and people on the ground become a distraction. I decide to land in a snow-covered yard.

      My awareness diminishes as I go to inspect what's ahead. In the building ahead is an administrative refugee help center. Looks like it was founded a long time ago, there are 4 traditional Chinese characters on the wall. The place has gotten a lot of attention from the locals with journalists and a few unknown celebrities waiting to go inside. I excuse myself, remembering that I was originally headed home and leave.

      As I walk down the streets I see the stadium and know I should be near. I choose a shortcut by climbing a few buildings. As I climb this weirdly looking structure, with lots of metal shaped in strange forms, my awareness increases again. Finally I reach the top of the structure, which faces a well supervised office. I don't think passing through should be a big issue as I can technically go as I please. I sneak in and look for the door out. There are several doors, one of them has a female security guard talking to another DC. No matter which door I chose, she is going to notice me. Oh, well that doesn't really matter, does it? I decide to ignore all that and just exit the building. I know the DC has seen me. I know she finds this weird and would probably want to go after me. But I intend that she does not. She just looks at me and ignores me. At the same time, a feeling of regret overtakes me. I feel I have ruined this scenario by meddling with the natural course of events and now the story feels incomplete.

      Memory gap. I find myself at my old place. There's a minor leftover of awareness upon looking at the weird balcony and room being merged. The dream takes over my consciousness. I hear squeaks and other noises coming from the neighbours and see the neighbour kid playing on the balcony. He hasn't grown up at all, I think. Couple of minutes later, as if it's a game, he jumps off the balcony and hits the ground. I am terrified as I see his imminent death but even though he seems injured, he gets up and hurries into the building. I call his grandma (DS) to make sure he gets an examination as soon as possible.
      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Dreamlet note 17 Nov 2016

      by , 11-17-2016 at 10:12 PM
      "You will always be the sunshine, I will always be an eagle"
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