So I watched "Inception" the movie the other night and I was bored browsing the web tonight so I thought "Hey, I'm going to google inception and see what kind of demonic people pop up that say they can go into people's dreams." Expecting another Criss Angels, I was already skeptical about what I was about to read. I've been reading up for about the past hour on LDing and it's made me extremely curious, so I figured it was worth a shot. What I've gotten from it so far is that this is what I should do:

1. Before I sleep, repeat to myself I want to control my dreams or something or the sort. Clarification from someone could help.. what do you say?

2. When I wake up, before I even move, attempt to remember the dream I had starting from the end and working backwards. Then quickly write it down, no matter how much or little I remember.

3. Throughout the day remember to check reality. Not sure exactly how to do this? Hit myself? Lol.
