Um, hello. My user profile says that I'm new on this site, but I registered here as a different user a few years ago. I decide to create a new account because I want it to represent my new vigor to become an oneironaut and understand myself better. I hope to get along with my fellow dreamers and awake to my hidden potential.
About Myself:
  • Currently, I can recall at least 1 or 2 complete dreams a night.
  • I used to remember about 2 dream fragments on an average night.
  • I became determined to be lucid since Late May of this year.
  • I am using the ADA technique posted by KingYoshi (he's awesome, imho)
  • I have a leatherback journal to record my thoughts and dreams.
  • I can still recall some dreams since I was a child, but not so much.

Once I have a sufficient amount of dreams either vivid, lucid, or both, I will setup a dream journal and share it with you. Thanks for reading.