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    Thread: Ever watched someone die?

    1. #1
      Member Theta's Avatar
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      Ever watched someone die?

      Hello there,

      My name's Walker. I'm new to this site, however I'm very familiar with lucid dreaming. I lost my ability to lucid dream about 4 years ago when I witnessed a gruesome case of vehicular man-slaughter (a car crash). Not only did I watch the poor woman die, but I was staring into her eyes the moment she died. I consider myself very lucky, however more so very unlucky to have witnessed such a thing. From that day forward I dreamed about nothing but death for months, reliving that moment where I saw death in the eyes of that woman. I was too afraid to assume control of the dream, the only thought on my mind was death.

      So, years later, I'm here to learn how to lucid dream once again. Upon thinking about this I wondered how many other people out there have actually seen someone die?

    2. #2
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      Never seen someone die, personally. But I did suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and it had a very harsh effect on my dreams (in that I dreamed of the incident every night for months). Can't say it hurt my ability to get lucid though.

      Everything works out in the end, sometimes even badly.

    3. #3
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      I was hoping you could tell me
      OH i was about to say, "by my hand, yes." then i realized you meant in real life. no, can't say that i have, though i've killed at least 3 dream characters in lucids, didn't feel any negative feeling, actually, i felt great. and i've killed a bunch in non-lucids accidentally and felt terrible. that had to be hard though, watching somebody die in REAL LIFE???

      i hope you get your ability to lucid dream back. there's a lot of stuff here that'll help. WELCOME TO DV!!!
      I have returned, but I'm not the same
      I'm a shadow, a shell, it's no longer a game
      Peace is dead, peace is gone
      All that remains is a chilling song

    4. #4
      Member Pandabear's Avatar
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      Hi Theta.
      I'm sorry to hear what you've been going through, it must have been very hard.
      I've never watched someone die, but I've watched someone almost die too many times.
      You're very welcome to send me a PM, if you wants to talk about something.

      Good luck with your lucid dreaming. Have nice dreams!
      Theta likes this.

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    5. #5
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      Welcome to dreamviews,
      I suggest you start from the beginning, keep a dream journal, improve your recall, become more aware in the day, and perhaps use lucid dream as a way to confront your nightmares.

      Hope you dream well

    6. #6
      'The pink one' Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Arch View Post
      Welcome to dreamviews,
      I suggest you start from the beginning, keep a dream journal, improve your recall, become more aware in the day, and perhaps use lucid dream as a way to confront your nightmares.

      Hope you dream well
      LOL arch, i think your C&P job has been foiled on this one....

      Sorry to hear about that Theta... That can't of been easy!
      I hope that you can relinquish the fear of taking control....

      I have never seen anybody die in real life no, but it must be traumatic.
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      Simply because you can breathe, doesn't mean your alive, or that you really live....

    7. #7
      Member FelixLucid's Avatar
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      I hope that this experience hasn't hindered your ability to relax and enjoy a lucid dream. Death is a most disturbing illusion, yet we know from our time in the realm of Lucid Dreams that we have an identity far greater than just the flesh and blood bio-mechanical processes of our physical body. There's a realm beyond time or space, and consciousness may use our physical bodies to manifest itself, but it is as independent from our brains and bodies as the data on your computer hard-drive is independent from the hard-drive itself. I hope that you release that fear of death, embrace the gift of eternal life, and enjoy the lucid dreams that God is hoping to send your way.

    8. #8
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      My mother passed away when I was a 7 years old (pancreatic cancer), and I was there watching through the window of her hospital room as it happened. So from my experiences, I can sort of understand what you are feeling. I went through a period of deep depression, pondering about the futility of life. It is hard to go through something like that, so from the bottom of my heart, I understand what you must have felt and still feel right now.

      Ironically it was those times that enhanced my lucid skills, which has brought me many joyful thoughts. How so? Well after witnessing my mother passing away, I had insomnia for quite a while. So every night I lay down on my bed, perfectly still, reminiscencing my mother - conjuring thoughts with my imagination, and I would gradually transition into a state of paralysis then into a dream. It was much later when I learned that the technical term for this is "sleep paralysis" and that I have been "lucid dreaming" for almost my entire life.

      Enough about me, this thread simply resparked those memories... The point is, death can also be an enlightening experience. You do have to live with those memories for the rest of your life - it is after all human nature to feel these emotions, but at some point you will learn that you just have to move on. I wish you the best of luck and do not ever give up on lucid dreaming. It's probably one of the best things I have in my life at the moment.
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    9. #9
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      I watched my mom die when I was 14. She had terminal cancer and was in horribly bad shape, just skin and bones and medicated to the max. At the moment of death, her eyes lit up for the first time in years and looked really clear and she smiled and said to me (as I was holding her hand in the Hospital) "It is all so Beautiful" Her eyes stayed open until a nurse closed them with her fingers, but of course the light was gone by then.

      After her funeral, I dreamed she sat up in her casket, and wasn't really dead the way we think is dead, but just moved on instead.
      Last edited by eldante; 09-23-2011 at 11:51 PM.
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    10. #10
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      Welcome . I haven't seen anyone die, but it must have been hard to watch that. I'm sorry.

      Anyway I hope to see you around the site more! If you have any questions about lucid dreaming or this site just send me a PM!

    11. #11
      Member Theta's Avatar
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      Wow I didn't expect such a warm welcome! Thanks a lot!

      I guess I was curious to see how it effected other people, and if it effected their dreams in a similar way. Thanks for sharing your experiences and wishing me the best, I really appreciate that! Like ThePieman said, it became an enlightening experience for me. I'm quite comfortable with death now, the experience really opened my eyes to how short life really is and how you should savour every moment in life as much as you can. In the end I realized you have a choice in terms of how you interpret such events, and I chose to interpret the event in a positive way.

      Thanks a lot for your comments everyone, I really appreciate it! Just talking to you guys will help me in lucid dreaming again, so you'll see me around more often!

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    12. #12
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      Hmmm' - Death, the Great awakener? There is something so incredibly real about death. It seems so final, but is it really?

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      Quote Originally Posted by Theta View Post
      Wow I didn't expect such a warm welcome! Thanks a lot!

      I guess I was curious to see how it effected other people, and if it effected their dreams in a similar way. Thanks for sharing your experiences and wishing me the best, I really appreciate that! Like ThePieman said, it became an enlightening experience for me. I'm quite comfortable with death now, the experience really opened my eyes to how short life really is and how you should savour every moment in life as much as you can. In the end I realized you have a choice in terms of how you interpret such events, and I chose to interpret the event in a positive way.

      Thanks a lot for your comments everyone, I really appreciate it! Just talking to you guys will help me in lucid dreaming again, so you'll see me around more often!

      Good for you

    14. #14
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      Quote Originally Posted by nito89 View Post
      LOL arch, i think your C&P job has been foiled on this one....

      Sorry to hear about that Theta... That can't of been easy!
      I hope that you can relinquish the fear of taking control....

      I have never seen anybody die in real life no, but it must be traumatic.
      Not at all, I just didn't want to go into details about the accident, and I was advising him on how I would recover.
      The only thing I copy and paste is my guide on starting to lucid.

      I'm here to learn how to lucid dream once again.
      ...was aiming to help that.

    15. #15
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      A vancouverite, oh boy! Welcome to dreamviews.
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    16. #16
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      Quote Originally Posted by eldante View Post
      Hmmm' - Death, the Great awakener? There is something so incredibly real about death. It seems so final, but is it really?
      It certainly was a great awakener. I'm not sure how to describe it, but you know how when you look into someone's eyes and you can tell something alive, with a consciousness, is looking back at you? Well, the moment that woman died I was looking into her eyes, and I could tell she wasn't looking back at me anymore... It's weird, but something about what I saw in her eyes makes me think the body possesses a "soul", or some sort of energy that exists somewhere else after you die...

    17. #17
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      Quote Originally Posted by Theta View Post
      It certainly was a great awakener. I'm not sure how to describe it, but you know how when you look into someone's eyes and you can tell something alive, with a consciousness, is looking back at you? Well, the moment that woman died I was looking into her eyes, and I could tell she wasn't looking back at me anymore... It's weird, but something about what I saw in her eyes makes me think the body possesses a "soul", or some sort of energy that exists somewhere else after you die...
      This is one thing I truly hope for, I really do hope that there is some form of life after death, life can be so short especially when events like this occur.
      How is your progress with getting over these recurring nightmares, what are you attempting to do so? I hope that you recover soon.

    18. #18
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      I'm with you Arch, I hope there some form of an afterlife as well. I don't suffer from those particular reoccurring nightmares anymore, thankfully that ended a few months after the accident. The only way I could deal with them at the time was waiting for the nightmares to end, and suppressing my ability to remember any dreams at all.

      You guys are great, I'm so glad I decided join this webiste

    19. #19
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      When I was 16, I watched my grandmother die on her bed in her home. I remember sitting on the couch, listening to her breathing roughly and not saying anything, and just thinking to myself, 'I want some sort of sign if this is last time I'll see her' and a few minutes later she said, "I love you all" and then a few minutes after that everything just stopped. And I knew she was gone. One of the saddest moments of my life. At the time, I knew what lucid dreaming was, but never tried doing it. The event didn't really affect my dreams and I think it was mostly due to the fact that after it happened, I surrounded myself with friends and just tried to laugh about everything. Laughter really helps getting over hard times.

      It's weird, but something about what I saw in her eyes makes me think the body possesses a "soul", or some sort of energy that exists somewhere else after you die...
      There's energy everywhere you look, whether you can see it or not. So it's ok to assume that we have energy inside of us. Energy cannot be destroyed, it just changes forms. So it wouldn't surprise me if there was some type of afterlife. We can only hope

    20. #20
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      Namaste, this is my first posting. I worked for 3 years as a palliative care nurse, & so I've seen many, many people pass on. Sort of a midwife, just in a different direction. One suggestion is to enter into a state of silence & centeredness & let this woman know that she has passed on & help her into the Light, however you perceive it. Being in BC, you're probably still having lovely weather, so another suggestion is to find a tree that "speaks" to you & sit with you back against it. Just zone out & let yourself become aware of its energy. Once you're ready to leave, tell the tree thank you. You may find that this tree will become your entry point into Dreaming. I frequently use the memory of a huge magnolia tree that was special to me when I was growing up in Texas. Hope it helps.

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