Hi, I'm new and I wanted to post the questions that led me to this forum here. I posted these first on yahoo answers and copy and pasted them here.

"Can you create a sense of touch reaction?

This was something that I though could be interesting. Would it be possible to feel like you're touching something you've never touched before? What I mean is:
What you feel is caused by your nerves sending a signal to your brain which the brain accepts as "touch".
That means, all feelings of touch you could possibly have are already programmed into your head, right?
So, could it be possible if you were in some form of lucid dream-like state to do things in the dream and have it feel real?
Even if you've never actually done said thing in your life?
I would appreciate informed answers and any possible resources where this has been studied."


"Is it possible to make a lucid dream seem like a real memory?

You know when you remember a dream it seems all fuzzy? Even when its a lucid dream? With dreams you can tell they are memories of dreams. Is it possible to make it so that a dream seems like a real memory in a way? Can you make it so dream memories are as vivid and material as real memories? Sort of like inception where the dreams are like real life in the way that you are aware of the moment. Currently, you are in the moment, right? You can recall being fully aware just a few seconds ago, right? You're not like that in dreams though. So would it be possible to create that "in the moment" feeling in dreams? Can you recall being aware in a dream? I for one any remember the dream after I wake up and by that point it doesn't feel like a real memory. So is this possible?

I want informed answers and I would appreciate it if you pointed me towards any research don on this if there is any."

And to add on here's a new question:

Can you have a different form in a dream and feel it?

What I mean is in a dream, can you have a third arm, or no arms at all, and can your mind feel that limb or lack of limb?
Could you be a amorphous blob in a dream and know what its like to feel in that form?
Can you mind come up the sense of touch that you'd have in a different form?
This one relates to the being able to have a new touch in a dream.

The reason I ask these questions is I would want to be able to experience anything. If I could do all these things in dreams I could experience whatever I wanted to, in my dreams.
I have had things I've wanted to happen in real life happen in dreams. But those don't fill the quotia. They only barely mimic the experience. They don't feel like real memories.

That is why I came to this forum.