
My name is Jaymee. I'm excited to have found this site! When I was a young child, I naturally had lucid dreams almost every night. I didn't know what they were and I thought it was normal to have complete control over dreams and always be aware of what was happening in them (though this was sometimes my downfall because I would realize that the fantastical thing I was doing was not actually possible, and thus, it would cease to be). As an adult, I can no longer lucid dream; I seem to have lost that ability with childhood (one of the questions I have for this site is whether medication can affect one's ability to lucid dream. I never had issues with it up until I started taking mood medication when I was younger). I hope to be able to start lucid dreaming again.

I'd love to hear everyone's stories and goals! It sounds really exciting, and I fancy the idea that dreams are gateways, or at least glimpses, into the multiverse. Being able to control which one you visit would be great!

Catch you later!